Biographical Essay On Kublai Khan

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Biographical Essay on Kublai Khan


Protected by its great wall and by three thousand years of history, the Middle Kingdom felt forever safe from invaders. That was counting without the hordes of nomadic horsemen who came from the Mongolian steppes, commanded by Kublai. The great Kublai Khan, grandson of Gengis Khan, was born in 1214. He was the very incarnation of twelve centuries of invasions of sedentary civilizations by nomadic people. His great ambition was to complete the conquest of the northern part of China which his grandfather had started by defeating the southern part of the country (Jasper, pp 223-267). To him, China was more than just an empire: Kublai's goal was to conquer a civilization and make it his own. Since the beginning of its three thousand-year-old history, China had kept to itself. When conquering Siang Yang, Kublai Khan became the only ruler of the Middle Kingdom.

Analysis on His Life

Southern Song Methodism Junsuke 11-year (AD 1251), older brother Colin, i.e., sweat, Kublai Khan, brother of the pro, was ordered to Prime Minister the Monan Han to militarism Shushi, the South's claw suddenly all the land, open Phan House the Jin Lianchuan (in this Inner Mongolia are Blue Flag Lightning River region). He served successively as the Han Chinese Confucian straighten Xing Zhou officials, which was established by slightly Secretary Kaifeng to rectify Henan military and political, Mita Tang, Deng and other states. Kublai Khan with Jing Zhao (now Xi'an) established here Xuanfuci, and set up educational institutions and enforces strict law and order to punish corrupt officials, tax miscellaneous relief donation; set from the government should raise China by the salt into the millet, steering Sichuan. He also interchanges banknote lifting secretary to the issuance of banknotes. Through this step series of measures, have received positive results. In the same year, Kublai Khan was ordered to and general Wulianghetai expedition Yunnan, against the Dali Kingdom. Southern Song Zong Po Woo years (AD 1254) in the spring of the Kublai life Wulianghetai led his army guarding Dali, his triumphant return to North (Clements, 2010, 4).

The Historical Overview

Kublai Khan was a thorny path to the "helm of government." His life and his rise to power management, the greatest country in the world falls on a pivotal era of prosperity and the biggest collapse of the empire in the world history. He was born in 1215, when his grandfather took Beijing. Prior to 1241, before the death of the Great Khan Ugadei his influence at the Mongol court was not noticeable, as his father Toluj, the youngest son of Genghis Khan, was not considered a contender for the throne velikohansky, as well as his descendants, so that information about the early years Kublai Khan lives a little bit confusing. It is known that the young Kublai studied riding and archery with passion and motivation. Like most Mongolians, he loved hunting, which often travelled in old age, as reflected in art canvases. From childhood he was traditional for the young princes ...
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