Impact of Binge Drinking & Development of Alcoholism in Young People

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Impact of Binge Drinking & Development of Alcoholism in Young People

Impact of Binge Drinking & Development of Alcoholism in Young People


Alcoholism is an addiction to alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism is often considered the “disease of affluence "because it is rare in indigenous culture of before they are exposed to advance. Alcoholism is a problem threatening life that often leads to death, mainly due to diseases of liver or kidneys, internal bleeding, deterioration of the brain, alcohol poisoning, accidents and suicide. In addition to the health and mental health, alcoholism can damage the addict's social status and relationship with the environment (Courtney & Polich, 2009, p.142)

. In young people Alcoholism is characterized by:

Great desire to consume alcohol.

Loss of control when drinking (inability to stop).

Physical dependence drinks with alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the case of avoidance.

Increasing difficulty to get drunk (adaptation).

In teens it becomes more difficult to quit alcohol dependence than in most other addictive substances. The physical symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol compare to those of withdrawal from heroin are more severe. Young people who become heavy consumers of alcohol or alcoholic beverages may suffer from hallucinations and tremor (Courtney & Polich, 2009, p.142).

Binge drinking is an excessive large quantity of fashionable consumption of alcoholic beverages over a short period of time, occasional or repeated episodes. This type of behavior where the state of intoxication is sought quickly, and is considered as addiction or dipsomania, since the alcohol dependence in episodic form is established (Schulenberg, 2009, p. 289).

Social Influence of Alcoholism in Young People

Social problems arising from development of alcoholism in young people include job loss, financial problems, problems in the marriage (to divorce) and domestic violence, crimes such as drunk driving and public order, and the loss of respect in the eyes of others, who see the problem is something young alcoholic brought upon himself, and that could easily be avoided from it (Schulenberg & Maggs, 2007, p. 54).

Extensive studies show that alcoholism in young people affects not only the addict, but also the family members surrounding him. The impact on children of alcoholics can last even after they become adults. This phenomenon is sometimes called “Syndrome adult children of alcoholics” (Schulenberg & Maggs, 2007, p. 54).

Many mistakenly assume that once an adolescent alcoholic stopped drinking alcohol, everything was fine, but weaned many still consider themselves “alcoholics” or “recovering alcoholics”, because some of the problems are solved only after time (Schulenberg, 2009, p. 289).

The follow-up costs of alcoholism and binge drinking in young people are enormous. In addition to significant costs in the health care system it also causes indirect costs, e.g. through work disability and early retirement due to poor health till that particular age (economic losses), alcohol-related traffic accidents, crimes., and increased divorce rates (Wechsler, 2008, pp. 203-217).

In addition to the material cost, there are so-called intangible as caused suffering or missed happiness in relationships, family, friendships and colleagues of young life.

Especially children and youth suffering in families with alcohol problems ...
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