Better Parent

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Better Parent

Better Parent

Better Parent

Generalizations are generally not very productive. There are far more women bringing up young children than men. Therefore it would make sense that there are a higher number of very good feminine parents than male. However, this lifetime of parents has seen an ocean change in the function of fathers as caretakers. There are numerous men who are very good parents, who have taken on a hardworking function in progeny rearing, progeny care and distributing household duties.

I acquiesce for the most part with the overhead poster, but, it's usually because the dad has to work and occasionally work late hours or shift work and thus they spend less time with their children. Women are more nurturing than men. Nonetheless I've glimpsed some attractive large dads out there that are hardworking with their children's sports if they are daughters or sons. Sometimes there are lone fathers that are managing the obligations of the mother and manage a very good job of being both parents.

Why did women proceed to work? Sociologist, Emile Durham would response this inquiry with his idea on "Division of Labor". Just 100 years before, the structure of the family was rather distinct than what we glimpse today. In the early 1900, predominantly farming, the dad was the sole breadwinner and the mother worked in the dwelling and tended to the children. The partition of work was founded on gender and it was centralized on the dwelling, all constituents having a specific job to manage which was an significant part of the family's survival. This supplied a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. The Industrial Revolution divided the workplace from the dwelling and changed the partition of work between men and women. It decimated the house finances by eliminating the output in the dwelling and taking out of the women's hands. Karl Marx's idea of "Human Nature & Alienation” concerns here in that we are in confrontation with the way we are compelled to work in a capitalist society.

I don't believe the gender function is an unconditional one which characterizes parenting is women's job. Biologically women have a progeny for eight of nine month, and they routinely can feed the new born progeny with mother's milk. In my attitude, it is very conspicuous mothers generally have a more powerful bond with her child for the biological reasons; although, parenting is a perplexing ...
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