Best Buy

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Best Buy

Observation and Analysis

Our observation was performed at Best Buy on Saturday, April 20th at 6:00PM. The store was not too busy but well staffed with at least one employee per section. As we walked in a gentleman standing in front of the door warmly greeted every customer entering and exiting the store. All regular employees were wearing blue-collar shirts with a small Best Buy logo on the side and nametags. Manager, supervisor and greeter were quickly distinguished through their attire. They wore button up shirts with a tie and slacks. Every employee was actively assisting a customer or arranging their sections. We observe a supervisor assisting a regular employee with an unhappy customer

Manager Questions

1. How do you view this organization?

Awesome, especially after stalk has tripled over the last there months.

2. What do think makes a good manager?

A good manager is someone who is a people person; take the time to get to know their employee and finally someone who motivates them.

3. How do you motivate your employees?

I motivate my employees by getting to the know their interest, such as personal goals, school and professional.

4. Do you involve your employees and if you how?

Yes, I involve my employees by having one on one session once a month. In these sessions we discuss any issues, ideas, promotions, personal growth and advancement opportunities.

5. Do you enjoy working for the company?

Yes, especially now that we are doing very well. This is a great company with many benefits.

6. Do you like your job?

Of course I love my job. You have to do what you life if not

7. What would you say are the best benefits of working for this company?

I would was our 401K package but most of all the fact we offer medical benefits for out part time employees which many companies don't.

8. Is there anything you would change?

No, I wouldn't change a thing.

9. What is your approach to conflict resolution?

My approach to conflict resolution is the open door policy; all my associates know they can come to me at any time. They can count on me for anything and if they would rather speak to someone else the contact information to other corporate managers is available at all times. They are allowed to come in my office and contact anyone they wish to.

10. What is a common daily challenge?

A daily main challenge is staying on top of your competition. We have a Sears next door and a Costco down the street, our challenge is know what they're doing and how we can do it better.

11. What are the policies of Best Buy against competition?

If Best Buy want to remain competitive and effective in its market and want to remain as major player in the market it has to emerge in the online environment due to high rate of innovation and competition in online businesses. Many companies are offering complete range of products and services and solutions of issues with products to customers. Customers tend to move towards ease and time saving ...
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