Benzodiazepine Addiction

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Topic: Benzodiazepine Addiction

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Benzodiazepines - tranquilizers eight and five sleeping pills (besides that, it should be noted zopiclone (IMOVAN) - one of the sleeping pills). All of these drugs are equally effective as tranquilizers and sleeping pills. It is believed that the classification of certain drugs to tranquilizers or sleeping pills - a matter of marketing rather than pharmacology. (Page, Michael, Sutter, Walker & Hoffman 2002, 66-73)

Benzodiazepines are often the subject of interest of drug addicts, parents are often called upon to talk about these preparations in more detail. (Shorter 2005, 41-2)Benzodiazepines are the most used members of tranquilizers. Having a calming effect, perhaps in connection with anti noradrenaline vym and anti dopamine vym influence, and they give a pronounced hypnotic effect, some benzodiazepines it may be basic. (Shorter 2005, 41-2)

 The term "disorder receiving psychoactive substances" was introduced into the American system of classification of DSM-IV in order to separate disorders (abuse and dependence), characterized by the dominant behavioral deviations from the disease, which represents independent psychopathological syndromes (delirium, withdrawal syndrome), and defined as "disorders, incurred as a result of taking psychoactive substances ".(Page, Michael, Sutter, Walker & Hoffman 2002, 66-73)

Since late 1960 - early 1970's to the present day benzodiazepine tranquilizers have significant distribution, which is associated with a wide spectrum of psychotropic activity, including anxiolytic, hypnotic and vegeto stabilizing action. However, the use of benzodiazepine derivatives is difficult because of several complications, most serious of which (the possibility of abuse and the development of drug dependence) are related to their high potential for addiction [addiction potential], by R. Schmidt. (Olkkola & Ahonen 2008, 335-60)

Among the factors determining the formation of the disorders taking drugs, traditionally referred to: the duration of therapy, the daily dosage, the rate of reduction of the dose before the full cancellation and long half-life taking drugs. Due to the seriousness of these complications of the WHO and international and domestic leadership on the pharmacotherapy of mental disorders indicate that before the tranquilizer should first consider the possibility of alternative therapy. In order to minimize the manifestations of withdrawal syndrome is recommended to use derivatives of benzodiazepine with long half-life, and drugs with short half-life used only for short-term therapy as a soporific. Appointment of benzodiazepine anxiolytics may be for no longer than 1 month, and only for the removal of the most acute symptoms to restore control of identity for their state and external situation. (Dikeos , Theleritis & Soldatos 2008, 220-2)

As pointed out by AB Smulevich such recommendations would have to significantly reduce the frequency of use of this class of drugs, but data on their consumption indicate that so far benzodiazepine anxiolytics remain the most common psychotropic drugs. Also shows no tendency to a preferential destination of short-term courses of these drugs. Indicated that the number of patients taking benzodiazepines during the 12 months, and over increased by 60% over 10 years - from 1979 to 1990 Currently, only 27% of patients receiving benzodiazepine anxiolytics courses lasting at least 1 month, up to 25% of patients taking benzodiazepines courses lasting 12 months, and ...
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