Benjamin Franklin's Relation To The Religion

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Benjamin Franklin's Relation to the Religion


Benjamin Franklin is one of the most popular personalities, and the founding father of United States. He is known as a politician, printer, scientist, inventor and a musician. He contributed a lot in the field of Science, and he was responsible to bring Enlightenment in America. He believed that the social conditions of American could be improved through Science. In order to pursue his aim to make America a prosperous country, he founded Philosophical Society. It later became a university with the name of Pennsylvania, focusing on Science education. It was the only college in the eighteenth century that had no links with religious denominations. He introduced new wood stove in 1742, which significantly improved heating and ventilation of colonial homes.

Religion and Franklin

Franklin was very influenced with religion, and he was of the belief that people should be very close to the religion. He stressed the role of religion and stated that, it is very important for people to be virtuous and follow the religion. According to him, religion always creates a strong bond between the individuals of a society (Asokan, 1-79). He worked and analyzed the role of individuals in a society. For him, the most important aspect of religion was to help others and give them importance. He loved this aspect of the religion most and worked on it.

Franklin was a religious person and were very influenced by the teachings of religion. His parents were also very pious. His father possessed the book “Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good”. His father often recited the quotes of the book and Franklin were very influenced with this book. He through his writing regularly diverted the attention of the people to form social association that work for the benefit of the society (Aldridge, Alfred Owen, pp.204).

Franklin presented a publication in 1728, revealing his belief and thoughts about the religious views. He was a Christian and had a strong faith in God. He regularly praised and stressed the role of strongly believing religious teachings in his teachings. He explained the importance of religion and stated in his speeches. During the war and contest against Britain, Americans used to pray daily for the country men. He was of the view that these prayers were heard, and we achieved enormous success. The president said that with time, we are forgetting the importance of prayers and need ...
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