Benefits Of Year-Round Schooling

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Benefits of Year-round Schooling

After a long academic year, long summer break is a greatly relieves to students and teacher alike. But after summer break, it's time for school again, always! Sometimes on the very first day after summer break, you get into your classroom and your trigonometry teacher tells you about the surprise quiz he is just going to take to see what you know. Then you realize that whatever you have learned about trigonometry in your previous, it's been forgotten over the summer break. It's natural! You tend to forget academic things in your summer break and then relearn it once you get back to school. This re-learning time should be spend learning new things and the things which you have already learned should remain in your mind at least for a considerable period of time, if not for life. Year round education (YRE) is devised to address this issue.

Year-Round Education (YRE) is a form of schooling where shorter breaks are implemented throughout the academic year unlike long traditional three month summer break. There are different YRE schedules which schools implements throughout the US. 45/15 schedule is most common (45 operational days followed by 15 days break which is followed by another 45 operational days and so on). Other schedules are 60/20 and 90/30. In YRE system, students get same amount of days off but they don't get them altogether.

Some students and academicians argue that this way students as well as teachers will not be able to take long trips like going out of the country. That's true but this is also true that usually people's long trips do not last more than 15 days. In YRE students and teachers have more options available throughout the year to schedule their trips and vacations unlike traditional summer break where you ...
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