Benefits Of Using An Access Database In A Daycare

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Benefits of using an access Database in a Daycare

Benefits of using an access Database in a Daycare


In this research paper we are going analyze the benefits that a daycare organization can achieve through the implementation of access database system. There are an extensive amount of benefits that a access database management system can guarantee for a daycare organization benefits such as; easy maintenance of the vast number of records of the children's that enroll in the organizations, the training that they are receiving, records of the fee paid by their parents, number of students in the class and so on, these benefits could uncountable (Siegel, 2003). In this paper we are going to study about the access database system software that will be provided for the employees working inside the organization, we will create a centralize database management system which will enable the employees to access the database and share all the essential information regarding the activities performed in the daycare. The data access system will enable the administrators of the daycare organization to efficiently manage the daycare activities taking place inside the organization on daily basis. Along, with that the management of a typical set of functions of the organizations will be overcome through the automation software for improving the operational workflow of the organization (Everest, 1986). The system will perform activities like maintenance of classroom waiting lists, and child immunizations. In addition to that the system will also perform certain other tasks such as the processing of the invoices, and printing the reports of the customers, this will automatically minimize the amount of time that the administrative department previously spent in the creation of these documents. In this research paper we are going to provide you with the requirements specification, features, and the benefits that the system will bring in for the organization after its successful implementation (Ramarkrishnan, 1997).

Problem statement

The implementation of access database management system will be hugely beneficial for the daycare organization, as it will facilitate a lot of departments of the daycare organization, and the administrators of the organization will have all the essential information regarding the previous and the current happening taking place inside the organization (Microsoft Corporation, 1992). After the implementation of the access database management system the organization will be able to keep track of the child from the time he or she has enrolled in the organization to the time he or she has finally left the organization (Pathak, 2008). The access database management will enable the daycare organization to keep track of the activities performed by the child in the organization, along with keeping track of the records and payrolls of the teachers, and fee paid by the parents of the children's and so much more benefits are going to be experienced by the daycare organization after the implementation of access database management system (Microsoft Corporation, 1993).

The daycare organization have previously been experiencing a lot of difficulties and retrieving the records of the old students that have left ...
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