Becoming An Informed Voter - Researching The Congressional Delegation

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Becoming an Informed Voter - Researching the Congressional Delegation

Becoming an Informed Voter - Researching the Congressional Delegation


The following research paper has 2 steps. First, I will analyze the background of the 7th District of Florida, which is my congressional district from which John Mica is chosen as the U.S. Representative. Secondly, I will also analyze the political background of the state and one of the U.S. Senators, and for this case, the chosen individual is U.S. Senator, Marco Rubio.

The first part of the essay will deal with the congressional district and congressman while the second will deal with the state and senator. The analysis would also aim to gather important interest group scores of both the respective candidates for the district and the state.

This essay will address a number of questions:

• What is the recent political history of the district and state of Florida?

• How have they voted in recent presidential and congressional elections?

• Can Florida 7th district and state be considered to be leaning Republican or leaning Democratic?

• Are the parties relatively even or does one party dominate the elections?

• Does the district have a long tradition of supporting one party or has it been changing in recent years?

• How did the chosen representative and senator come to power?

• How do the interest groups (ADA, ACLU, ACU, and CC) rate the selected representative and senator?

• Based on these ratings I would classify the representative and senator as conservative or liberal?


An election cannot be termed as free and fair if they don't guarantee the people that their governing authority will be elected by their will articulated in authentic, fair and free vote which will be gathered periodically (Guy & Goodwin-Gill, 2006). This voting is based on secrete, equal and universal suffrage. The process and role of voting is extremely critical in the establishment of successful democracy in any country and allows the citizens to execise their right in the development of their respective nations.

The elections significantly contribute to the democratic government as they form the basis of a system which is according to the will of the people, as required democratic governance. The free and fair election gives every adult the right to cast their vote without discrimination and enables the citizens to get registered in the electoral roll allowing them to be able to vote. It ensures that any voter is not bared from taking part in the election process without any reason as stated by the state law and also according to international law. If a voter is denied the right to participate in election, the free and fair election process ensures that the voter has the access to the contest the restriction in the relevant court of law. The elections process provides the voter, effective and equal access to the station for casting their vote. The voter is guaranteed the right to keep the vote confidentaial as per his desire, and the free and fair election process guarantees ...
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