Beautyism In Workplace

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Beautyism in workplace

Beautyism in workplace


Discrimination in the workplace can be seen commonly and in almost every organization. Discrimination has become the most powerful word in English language. Civil rights and discrimination discussions has been saturated into our day to ay lives. Many “isms” litter our magazines, daily conversations and newspaper. The discrimination which is known as Racism discrimination is based on race, color, religion or national origin (Zakas, 2005). There is also the discrimination which is known as sexism discrimination which is based on the discrimination against an individual based on his or her gender. The ageism discrimination is based on advanced age. Yet, thanks to proposed laws and legislations that they have proposed protections from all of these discriminations in the workplace (Zakas, 2005).

Many studies have been conducted on identifying the impact of beauty on several different features of life including romance, social interaction, employment and addiction. All these examinations concluded that the appearance of the person has certain negative and positive impacts on different aspects and areas of life (Zakas, 2005). However, discrimination based on beauty or appearance is the matter of concern which must be resolved in order to eliminate it from the roots of our society. The government of United States has developed many laws and legislations related to compensation practices and unfair hiring for people's groups based on sex, age, religion, disability, color, national origin and race because these are the basic factors for discrimination (Zakas, 2005).

Beautyism is becoming one of the mostly researched forms of discrimination but it is not at the front position of the concern of public. Researchers studied discrimination based on beauty and its affects in workplace throughout the professional lives of people. More research and legislations are needed in order to prevent form the appearance discrimination in the workplace (Zakas, 2005).


Discriminatory Effects of Beautyism in Workplace Hiring

The discrimination at workplace in support of physically good looking people has become the major concern in the workplace which must be resolved in order to maintain the performance and productivity of the organization. Such hiring managers who discriminate amongst candidates during hiring process must be dealt with the legislations and laws that have been proposed in order to prevent workplace discrimination based on appearance or beautyism (Denning, n.d.). It is considered usually that attractive people are more happy, successful and social as compared to unattractive people. Appearance based discrimination in the workplace disrupts the performance of the organization as people begin focusing on their appearance rather than their performance at their work. Such unattractive employees who are employed in such organization where appearance discrimination exist they experience decline in their performance and wages because of discrimination (Denning, n.d.).

Attractiveness biases are portrayed in different areas such as voter preferences for political candidates, jury judgments in stimulated trials and teacher judgments of students. In employment hiring process, attractiveness of eth interviewee influences the judgments of interviewer of his or her job applicants. Many business organizations consider that attractive sales person will affect the ...