Be Green Packaging

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Be Green Packaging LLC in Switzerland

Table of Contents

Executive Summary2


Company Background3

Country Background- Switzerland4

Political Situation4

Economic Situation5

Social Situation5

Technological Situation5

Legal Situation6

Strategy to Enter the Market8


Distribution Channel10

Strategic Alliance11

Human Resource Requirements and Legal Implications12

Role Played by Important Governmental, non-Governmental and Financial Institutions13

Corporate Social Responsibility15



Executive Summary

Be green packaging is a U.S company. It is a growing company that deals with the eco friendly packaging and has done wonders in the local market. The company plans to expand in Switzerland. From the environmental analysis of Switzerland, it is found that there are less trade and market entry barriers in Switzerland, the government encourages the investment and research project, such freedom facilitate the market entry for Be Green Packaging LLC. Beside, the packaging industry in Switzerland is under the rage of development. However, the purpose is to maintain the group to give them a chance and expand the network. At the same time the group is to serve the knowledge, experience and ideas to promote. Moreover, there is also SVI which is the network platform of the Swiss packaging industry. Although the financial and the regulatory climate of Switzerland is ideal for the company but the Swiss financial regulations are expected to undergo significant changes, as there has been increasing demand for banking transparency and tighter regulations. Beside these regulations, the company will have to assume the corporate social responsible as the Swiss government and non government institutions place a high priority towards the social sustainability. Overall, it can be said that the company has bright prospects in the Swiss market because of the environmental feasibility and demand for the sustainable packaging in Switzerland.

Be Green Packaging LLC in Switzerland


The company that I will be providing consultancy is Be Green Packaging which is a U.S company and now aims to enter the Swiss markets. Before entering into the Swiss market, it is important to environment including the political, legal, and the cultural factors prevalent in the country. Be Green Packaging natural, biodegradable packaging can help people stay ahead of the curve and show customers they care. Together, Be Green Packaging can help people make healthy choices for smarter business and a greener planet (Christensen, 2007, 651-672).

Company Background

Be green packaging is a U.S company. It is a growing company that deals with the eco friendly packaging and has done wonders in the local market. However, there is great scope for the eco friendly packaging and be green packaging is expanding. However, the focus is on sustainable packaging is also being driven by growing levels of government regulation (Buelens,Devos,2004,256-273). Within the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, at least 30 have regulatory instruments aimed at reducing packaging waste (Weitzman, 1998, 331-360). Moreover, for companies, resource efficient packaging can deliver cost savings and a competitive advantage by bolstering sustainability credentials. However, developing a successful sustainable packaging proposition is a delicate balancing act between traditional packaging functions and sustainability needs (Lancaster, & Reynolds, 2005, 10-45). They believe that their Eco-Social commitments set them apart from their competition and ...
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