Battery Tech

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Battery Tech

Battery Tech

The report is

FROM Technology Partners, ()

TO President, Battery Tech





Battery Technology Inc. is a company committed to be engaged in the design, development, manufacture, and sale of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and battery systems. Batteries and battery systems will be developed by the company for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), electric vehicles, (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). The company will offer products like rechargeable PLI batteries for motorcycles, electric automobiles, notebook computers, mine-use lamps, walkie-talkies and other electronic gadgets. Headquartered in Manhattan, New York, the company will primarily operate in the US. Battery Tech asked our firm to evaluate potential markets for new types of battery for production and sale by Battery Tech.

The Battery Tech will support the new Social Innovation Business in different fields that include New Energy Applications and Green Mobility. Since consumers are becoming more “green” and are seeking ways to do so, that's why Battery Tech is in the best position to offer the consumers what they want. There is an ever increasing demand for portable electronics, therefore, it is predicted by experts that global revenue of battery market will reach to $74 billion in 2015. However, these numbers are speculative. On the basis of our studies and the market size, we recommend Battery Tech to increase business in consumer product and strengthen marketing targeting vehicles. For profitability, our advice is based on marketing info and technical requirements. The following facts support these recommendations.


Our market research has entailed that the battery market is expanding, and in 2009, the global revenue was $47.5 billion. Experts predict that, in 2015, it will reach to $74 billion because of the heightening demand for portable electronics devices and green technology.

An Overview of Battery Types

There are two categories of batteries: ...