This report provides knowledge and information concerning the primary mode of substance, and alos it is stated inn introduction that, the culture of Malaysia has developed over few years of history, with the union of different customs, traditions and ideas brought by many different invaders and the indigenous inhabitants.
Culture Primary Mode of Substance
In this part of the paper it is discussed that, Batek of Malysia's primary mode of substance is foragers that involves hunting of animals, praise for the purpose of survival. Foraging is about hunter-gatherers that indicates a certain level of development of human societies. Further Foraging activities with respect to Batek of Malaysia includes hunting that is being practiced since early days up till now in their jungles as well as in the forests.
Other mode of substance is Horticulturalist that deals with cultivating and cropping of plants and animals. The collection and sale of jungle products is an another important economic activity for the Batek, that has also been curtailed in recent years.
Another mode of substance disscussed here is , Pastoralism which is one of the oldest forms of farming, practiced by most species of domestic farm animals mainly sheep, goats, cattle as well as pigs and horses. Pastoralism for Batek is distinguished from the herd because the animals feed on moving in a natural environment and are not fed with breeder resources.
Batek agriculture has suffered greatly as they were forced to leave their land, forgo their agricultural activities of planting and cropping.
Emerging Agriculturalist
The Malaysian strategy of natural resource development is founded upon the assumption like moderately sloping lands, agriculture it always represents an economically superior use to forestry. With respect to Batek cutting logs from the forest is a necessary but is not supposed to be a step towards converting the land to more profitable uses. In Malaysia, the state governments grant logging concessions on public lands.
Kinship and social Organization
Batek Kinship and social organization are close knitted, as they believe in equality, male and females work together, there is no segregation attributed to females.
Political Organization
The social composition of the political organizations in Batek can be divided in classes, national and society as a whole.Batek laid emphasis on the autonomy of individuals and nuclear families. Nobody in the group is assigned with a certain position of power or any authority over the rest of others.
Gender relations
Gender relations in Malysia says that, the males contribute to the accumulation of variability. There is little difference between men and women in regard to their behavior and their contribution to Batek life.The egalitarian structure of their culture is obviously reflected in the nature of marriage among the Batek.
Values and Beliefs
The Batek believe that various superhuman created the earth as a disk of land surrounded by the sea. They believe that the superpowers creates the humanity on earth and separates the Batek from other ...