Basic Nutrition

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Basic Nutrition

Basic Nutrition


The physiological significance of carbohydrates is mainly determined by their energetic properties. Carbohydrates are the source of energy suppliers used in the human body while doing muscular activity. The importance and significance of carbohydrates is determined by their ability to oxidize in human body. It helps in meeting the need of body for energy and reduces the level of acidotic shifts. Carbohydrates are considered as the part of the tissue and cells and are usually used in plastic processes. The minimum intake should be 5 grams and the maximum can be 50 grams for adults.


The main purpose of fat is to provide energy to human body as it saves proteins for energy and empower them to perform more effectively in building and repairing tissues. A fat on oxidation is useful twice as much energy as carbohydrates provide. The mechanism of fat storage is a natural function intended to constitute reserves to cope with periods of deprivation. The woman stores fat more easily (2 times more than men and below the umbilicus) because it is she that bears the burden of perpetuating the species. Ancestrally, it should be sufficient reserves to cope with pregnancy and breastfeeding in times of scarcity. Adults should get 20 to 35% of their calories from fat. Fats can be stored and saved in body for later use. When a person consumes excess amount of food, it provides energy as much as it is required by body. Fats are also found in fat-soluble vitamins including vitamins A, D, E and K and are useful in absorbing these vitamins in the intestine.


The minimum requirement of protein is 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight and the maximum can go up to 8 grams. Proteins have many functions in the body, the first to establish the structures. Example: ...
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