Barriers To Effective Prevention Of Genocide And Crimes Against Humanity

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Barriers to Effective Prevention of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

Barriers to Effective Prevention of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity


Human history has seen numerous wars which have been fought to achieve the strategic goals of the states. Most of the wars reflect the intention of territorial expansion, acquiring additional resources of occupied land, settling down the political instability and to create balance or dominancy in terms of power in the region. However, ther result of any war or genocide is painful for humanity as many innocent people lose their lives for cost of nothing. It is also a fact that somw of the wars were pointed out with question of their ligitimaty. This means, this world has seen some wars that are considered as crime in any justice system.

The role of criminal justice becomes more important in a society that has been facing change and also has potential to change in future (Kalunta-Crumpton, 2011). This suggests that the criminal justice system is an effective way to beat crimes in a changing society. The most important thing to know is that if criminal justice is not present in any society, the society will become heaven for individuals involved in crimes or who have criminal behaviours. In United States, the criminal justice system aims to provide a safe environment to people and gives them their rights. As discussed earlier that society is changing continuously as there are more crimes than before and more people are illegally living in the country. It would be fair to say that more the races in one nation, higher the differences in terms of ideology, beliefs and culture in the society (Walker et al., 2011). This means, implementation of criminal justice system is way to prevent the birth as well as growth of any crimes in result of change in society. The criminal justice system considers the role of social developments and policy changes as these factors are linked with the criminal justice system of any country (Muraskin & Roberts, 2008).


Genocide and Relationship between Social and Criminal Justice Systems

Social Justice

Researchers explain that every system of justice has two bases; first it recognises individuals as guilty offenders who are accountable just because of their wrongdoing or illegal actions, while second it also ensures effective implementation of criminal justice programs in a fair manner with no biasness (Muraskin & Roberts, 2008). It is also essential to know that justice can only occur when a right balance is found between the acts of offender and victim of the crime. Any justice system can achieve this through the process of retribution or any other method that can be used to correct the wrong actions of offender. However, punishment is the most common method that justice system of the United Kingdom uses in order to rectify the illegal or wrong actions of criminals.

Social justice system can be seen as a broad term that addresses the essence of justice but is applicable to whole society as ...