Barriers In The Treatment & Prevention Of Juvenile Diabetes

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Barriers in the Treatment & Prevention of Juvenile Diabetes

Barriers in the Treatment & Prevention of Juvenile Diabetes

Brief description of current problem

There is a growing rate of diabetes in children observed in the United States of America. This problem has become more vigorous in the past few years. There are some of the barriers in the treatment of this disease which includes increase in junk food eating, low physical exercise and unaware parents and family member of the child who is affected by the diabetes due to obesity. There are some objectives which has to be implemented by formation of implementation plan. The implementation plan includes all the strategies and steps which can be very much useful to enhance the capability to reduce the rate of diabetes in children in the United States.


The objectives are to eradicate the increasing ratio of children diabetes and obesity in United States. These objectives are to be carried through an implementation plan which includes all the measures which can be very much helpful in the eradication of this major issue of diabetes in children. Furthermore, the objective also includes the formation of medical team which initiates an awareness program for the students of schools, their parents and other family members. The medical team has to look after the diet compliance of the society and check the sugar level in blood of children regularly.

Detailed explanation of proposed solution

The strategy which has to follow to control the ratio of diabetes in children is developing an implementation plan. To develop an implementation plan there is a dire need to analyze and understand the problem. The problem explains that there is a growing issue of diabetes in children which is becoming a major concern for the medical authorities of United States of America. The strategy further includes a team work to enhance the working in order to check the status of this disease in the society, analyzing the causes of diabetes in children and predicting the effects which a child and their parent can have after diagnosing this disease (Ahrens , 2003)

The medical team includes the program which can be very much helpful and supportive to educate and aware the school going children, their family members and parents. This awareness program will be very much effective to enhance the awareness of parents and family members of the affected children to further prevent and cure their children from diabetes (Crocker, C, 2002).

Measurable outcomes

There are many measurable outcomes of developing an implementation plan. Some of them are discussed further as the decrease in the increasing ratio of diabetes in children. The measurable outcomes can be the innovative cure methods to deal with the diabetes in children in the United States of America. Over 9 million of population of the United States of America is observed to be in the diabetes and especially there is a huge rate of children which are affected by this disease. The outcomes of the implementation plan would be the increase in awareness about the cure and prevention ...
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