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The Essence of Baptism Ritual

The Essence of Baptism Ritual


Religion, the term given to a set of ideas and beliefs that show, according to adherents of the end of life the universe, as is usually defined as the belief associated with metaphysics and theology and related ethics, practices and institutions associated with that belief. In today's world, a number of major world religions are widespread and predominant. Religion as a word is utilized interchangeably sometimes with the word belief or faith structure, but that is not quite so; in fact, religion is quite dissimilar to believing. Most religions regulate behavior, including the religious hierarchy, the definition of what constitutes a commitment or membership in this religion, to hold services or regular meetings to serve purposes of reverence God or to pray, the Holy Places (natural or architectural), the Holy Scriptures. Exercise of religion is possible also include speeches, celebration activities in a God or gods, sacrifices, festivals, holidays, funeral services, services of marriage, art, meditation, dance, music or further facets of human culture.

Thesis Statement

All religions have rituals that are specific to their creed be it Christianity, Islam or any new world religion. The purpose of this study is to determine the significance and essence of a religious ceremonial ritual. The paper aims to understand how the practice of these rituals tends to influence and strengthen the life styles and thought of the people involved with the ritual and the religion. The ceremony chosen for this paper is the ceremony of Baptism. In the Orthodox Church, the baptism is performed on a person at any age, from newborn infants. Over infant baptism in the Orthodox Church is committed to the faith of parents and godfather, the godfathers and mothers. They are responsible for the Christian education of children, vouch for the faith of the baptized and the parents are obliged to share the labors of his upbringing. Male child of the post-baptismal font takes on a man hands, and female-female.


The ceremony or ritual chosen for this purpose was a Baptism ceremony that took place at a church. The author attended the ceremony as an observer taking notes and records. The author aims to explain the essence of baptism through the hierarchical process of baptism and strives to capture the significance of each ritual-step of baptism in the following textual analysis.

Basic Procedure of Baptism

Depending on the Church in which the sacrament is celebrated order or extension of the ceremony may vary slightly, but in general usually lasts one hour and consists of the following stages:

First the priest welcome and utters a few words and asks the name to be baptized. Parents should admit they want to baptize their child and to educate in the faith, and sponsors confirm that assist parents in this task. Then the priest makes the sign of the cross on the baby welcoming Christian community, and parents and godparents do the same. The next stage is the liturgy of the word, where the priest proclaims the word of God ...
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