Ballad Of Birmingham

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Ballad of Birmingham

The 16th century proved to be the worst in the history of African American. In just the span of six years, almost 18 different African American churches were and houses of civil social rights leaders were bombed. The city due to extreme violence was known as the Dynamite Hill. The poem is basically the fictional story which is written by the Randall Dudley. The poem is story type that tells the scenario of that morning when the Sixteenth Street Baptist church was exploded with bomb resulting in death of four innocent children. The poem begins with the conversation between a daughter and mother.

The story in the poem begins with the unique conversation between a daughter and her mother. In the first line of poem, the young girl asks her mother and seeking her permission to allow her to go to the downtown and participate in the Freedom March. In the second line of the poem, the little young girl tells her mother that she does not mean to go out and play but the reason is very different and unique. In the third and fourth line, the young girl tells her mother a reason why she wants to go out. She tells her mother that she wants to march on the streets of Birmingham. The way she is saying to her mother does not reflect that she is such a young little baby as called by her mother. This really shows the inner passion of this little young girl, full of emotions and enthusiasm.

In the fifth line, the mother replies to her daughter question and disallows her to go to outside and participate in the Freedom March. The reason for this is she knows the conditions outside the home. While in the sixth line she tells her daughter about the possibility of violence that could hurt her. She says that there could be wild dogs that may put her in jeopardy. In the seventh line, she further clarifies her daughter about the terror outside her home. In the eighth line, mother says to her little baby that streets are not good for little children because there is a fear of terror and the possibility that any violence may occur and hurt her.

While in the ninth and tenth line, the young little baby replies to her mother very boldly and said that she would not be alone at ...
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