Balanced Scorecard

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Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard

A balanced scorecard is a comprehensive set of performance measures arising from the strategy of an organization and its supporters at all levels of its structure. A strategy is essentially a theory about how to achieve the objectives of the organization. In the method of Balanced Scorecard, Management translates its strategy through performance measures that employees can understand and implement. (Maisel, 2002)

Analysis of indicators based on Oracle Balanced Scorecard

Module Oracle Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is designed to display the organization's strategy into a balanced set of performance indicators. The module identifies the key performance indicators (KPIs), their relationship and the strategic scorecard. OBSC included in the suite of applications Oracle Business Intelligence. The module provides managers a clear understanding of how their decisions affect not only the immediate area of ??responsibility, but also on other parts and the whole company as a whole. (Voelper, Leibold,2005)

BSC has the following features:

Access and navigation through the Internet as an end-user and developer

Standardized user interface

Navigate balanced maps

Submission of efficiency in the classical form of balanced scorecards work

Master key performance indicators. The end user can customize the display parameters in a comfortable form

User-friendly interface for modeling any balanced scorecards

The map links and causal relationships between indicators and strategic objectives

Trees modeling for scenario analysis of "what if ..."

Means of restricting access to information

Multilanguage support.

The design process

A typical process of implementing the balanced scorecard consists of the following steps: (Lingle, Schieman, 2006)

Conceptual design - defining objectives, performance indicators and metrics to achieve the strategy Design of a prototype - directly create metadata objects: balanced maps, figures, dimensions.

The transition from prototype to commercial operation - generates database tables, setting up access rights and downloads the actual data

BSC Architecture

Oracle Balanced Scorecard uses 3-layer architecture, which consists of a database-level, web-level server and the level of the user interface. Users can use any browser that supports java. Web-server is responsible for business logic and generates dynamic web-page. Instrumentation consists of designer Performance Management Designer (PMD) and BSC Architecture Modules. Applications included in the Architecture Modules operate in client-server architecture. PMD - Designer with web-interface, designed in the future to completely replace the client-server applications. Now part of the functionality implemented in the PMD, as part of Architecture Modules.

Architecture Modules require installation of client side of Oracle version 8.0.6 (Oracle 9i Release 2 for users of Windows XP). They include two applications Architect and Manager. (Kaplan, Norton, 2004)

BSC Manager is designed to load data into tables BSC and job rights of access to balanced scorecard and benchmarking activities. Most of the functionality of the sub module has been moved to Performance Management Designer. Data Loader (BSC Loader) allows entry of data from different source systems, including MS Excel. Allows you to download the actual and plan data with different levels of aggregation over time (a fact - monthly plan - quarterly). BSC Architect used to create key performance indicators, enables the setting of additional properties of indicators that cannot be ...
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