Balance Score Card

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Balance Score Cardof McBride

Balance Score Cardof McBride

Executive Summary

McBride plcis considered as the leading supplier in Europe's private household sector. The company is performing very well from last 40 years. McBride plc was established in 1970. Sensei, Oven pride, Limelight, Surcare, Gentelle and Frish stick are some brands produced by the company. In addition to this, it also deals in contract manufacturing. McBride has reported an annual income of £813.9 million during 2012. McBride is operating under the supervision of its Chief operating executive Chris Bill.

In this assignment, we are going to conduct an overall strategic and financial analysis of the company. We are going to present a balance score card analysis of McBride plc; in the balance score card analysis section we are going to evaluate its business from four perspectives (financial, customer, internal business perspective and learning and innovation perspective). After a detailed analysis of these four perspective, strategic mapping of McBride based on the balance sheet analysis will be discusses, and finally some recommendation are listed for the improvement of the company.


The vision ofMcBride is to become the world's most victorious private label company. And, it also wants to become the most demanded supplier by the retailers in the industry. The company is looking forward at doubling its size and profitability.


Strategic managers of McBride are working very hard on continuous basis to develop and implement new strategies in order toachieve their overall goals. At present time, McBride has adopted their refreshment strategy that was launched by the company in the year 2011.Company is focused on the product development, and their objective is to market highly innovative and quality based private label items in household and personal care segment of Europe and all other developed or advances countries. Their long term strategy is aimed at product improvement, quality enhancement, client administration and efficiency enhancement. McBride is also striving for the widening of their existing geographical coverage (market expansion) with the help of their core products.

Balance Score Card

Balance score card is an effective management tool that is widely used in the organizations to support the planning and execution of activities. The term balance score card was firstly coined by Art Schneiderman. Balance Score Card helps an organization in evaluating its overall performance from four perspectives (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, Pp. 172-179)

Financial Perspective: It helps in the identification of key areas that are helpful in maximizingtheshareholders value. It address all questions related to company's shareholders


Customer perspective of the balance score card helps in the determination of the measure that answers the question of how our customers see us.

Internal business processes:

It helps in the identification of the measures (KPIs) that address the question “what business, product or competency should we excel at”?

Growth & Learning:

It helps in the identification of the measures (Key Performance Indicators) that address the question “How can we achieve continuous improvement and creates value for all stakeholders”?

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