Bahamians And The Development Of Miami

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Bahamians and the development of Miami

Bahamians and the development of Miami


Bahamas has a rich history right from its discovery to its prosperity. The word Bahamas originates from Spanish word 'baja' which means 'shallow' and 'mar' which means 'sea'. Nassau is the capital which is present on the island of New Providence. On the world map, it is present nearby Cuba. Cuba is part of Greater Antilles along with Hispaniola and Jamaica. Its official name is the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. It has 3,000 islands, cays and islets. It is present in Atlantic Ocean. In north, it has Cuba and Hispaniola, in northwest it has Turks and Caicos Islands, in southeast it has U. S. state of Florida, and in east it has Florida Keys. Bahamas refer to the geographical chain it has with Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. There is a distinction within the country between the capital of Nassau on New Providence and the out islands of the archipelago. The archipelago comprises of almost 700 islands and cays. It also has nearly 2,400 reefs and rock formations. The total land area is 5,382 square miles. There are 14 island groupings.

Bahamas witness and recommend their distinctive national culture with a little difference in speech and customs among the islands. Only the earliest Bahamians enjoy their identity informally and informally, all other are outsiders irrespective of their citizenship or assimilation. The climate is subtropical with frequent and fatal hurricane season from June all through November. The islands are low crops of limestone with most settlements hardly above the sea level, which causes flooding. Farming is not favorable since the land is not fertile. A few of islands have ground water. The anticipated population varies from 275,000 to 325,000. Besides, there are a number of illegal refugees from Haiti which makes almost 20 to 25 percent of the population.

The natives are mostly from black African ancestry. They speak English whereas; some parts of Bahamas speak French Creole. They had their flag in 1973 which is a great symbol of unity for them. Yellow part in their flag symbolizes the sunny climate, and blue part symbolizes the sea. Majority of people believe that the black part on the flag witnesses the old African heritage of the people. They celebrate plentiful holidays and occasions. Their carouses and festivities have music, dance, food and display of African culture. 'Junkanoo' is one of the most popular fiestas among the tourists.

Historical Background

The Bahamian history begins in late 1942. Christopher Columbus found the islands of Bahamas, yet, he never could find the riches he was expecting to get in there. In the late 17th century, pirates inflicted Bahamas and people did not dare to explore the place anymore. The British made that through and took over the control. They hanged many of the pirates and made it a colony of Great Britain in 1728. The islands are still part of British Commonwealth of nations. Though it liberated in 1973 as an independent Commonwealth realm, it retained Queen Elizabeth II ...