Bad Parenting

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Bad Parenting


Parents who are eliminating the kind of physical and emotional abuse existed, but by removing this dictatorship and fear, lost respect, and now are the children who are sending to parents. How did we reach this situation: Children and parents spoiled pimps? Independent children and parents tolerant. And why, when we use the means of discipline we learned from our parents, do not work?

Will wanting to raise independent children with a desire to remove the yoke which had a day, we become more tolerant people and we are left with no means of knowing how to lead and how to discipline our children?

Parents negligent (careless)

Parents negligent are those that neither meet the needs and demands, in other words are not paying attention or care for their children or put them rules.(Nancy , p.113)

The parents of this style is characterized both the mild restriction, discipline, demands, and communication and in the little warmth, they do not impose limits, tending to let their children do whatever they want, because your life is so stressful that no have sufficient energy to drive their children, holding them without care because of low parental responsibility.

Negligent parents play no role or are more interested in directing the child's behavior, for both the child has the freedom of handling or ignoring the wishes of parents. These parents are very similar to the permissive style, but the main difference is focused on the lack of attention to the needs of the children and little sign of affection offered.

Characteristics of the children of neglectful parents:

Children who are created in this type of family often have self-control problems, poor academic performance and behavior problems in school and in society in general. The position of the child in relation to those of their parents in regard to decision-making is clearly differentiated in terms of power and activity. In this kind of relationship the young have the option to comply or defy the wishes of the parents their decisions.

Before the careless attitude of parents, it is important to understand as to why children behave badly.

The causes of misconduct can be very obvious or hidden or underlying. Here are some possible reasons:

• Impulsiveness and inexperience - Often, the misconduct is the result of a lack of prudence or good sense of the child. For example, a child of eight who started the snowball was excited and had fun (impulsivity). It is still too ...
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