The paper is the brief summary of the advantages f some bacteria that are useful for human body. These bacteria are mostly found in small and large intestine. They help in preventing many diseases and are useful for dangerous infections and severe illness. They also help in digesting waste products and kill harmful germs and bacteria. Often, they are used for the purpose of protecting plant and crops which produce food for human being. They contain enzymes that create vitamins necessary for human body and also used in producing dairy products like cheese and curd which are important source of nutrition for the body. Although, some bacteria are harmful for human body but they also prevent human from many diseases and helps in cleaning these harmful bacteria as well.
The topic describes the brief introduction of the term bacteria, its positive effects on human body and conclusion with supporting argument of the usefulness of bacteria.
Research statement
Some bacteria are useful for human body
Bacteria are huge in shape of prokaryotic microorganisms. Generally, micrometers are found in a small number, have variety of shapes, from spheres to spirals and rods. Bacteria are found in most environments; grow in soil, earth's crust, hot springs, radioactive waste, in digestive area of humans and animals and insects body. There are around 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soil and millions of cells found in a milliliter of fresh water (JK, JM, DL et al pp.4230-41, 2004)
Bacteria exist in many shapes and sizes called morphologies. The size of bacterial cells is about one tenth the size of eukaryotic cells and their length is usually 0.5 to 5.0 micrometers. While, other few species such as, Thiomargarita namibiensis and Epulopiscium Fishelsoni are usually longer and visible than small bacterial cells. Bacteria is the cause of many diseases like eye infection and viral. But bacteria are very useful for human body.
Human bowel contains 400 or more different types of bacteria weight around 1.5 kilos. About 30% of the heap of a stool consists of these bacteria. Some of the bacteria found in bowel are un-useful and can cause diseases. But there are certain types of bacteria that are beneficial and useful for human body. These friendly bacteria called Probiotics. It depends on the type and size of bacteria that has positive effect on any part of human body.
The two main friendly bacteria in the bowels are Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus. They are present all over the digestive area of human body consists of stomach, mouth and esophagus and are mostly live in small and large intestine. The two friendly bacteria take care of harmful fungi and other bacteria such as candida albicans. But intestine consists of more harmful bacteria than friendly which leads to low creation of enzymes and vitamins and also raise the level of toxins in the body and in result, illness due to kidney diseases, cancer, poor immune system, artery infection and high blood pressure ...