Baby Peter Connelly

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Health And Social Care In The Midst Of Loss Of Valuable Lives- Baby P

Health And Social Care In The Midst Of Loss Of Valuable Lives- Baby P


Health and wellbeing of every individual are valuable assets that need to be given proper care and attention. Negligence in providing quality care to patients and human error in clinical settings could results in harmful results and at times costly ones. Such negligence can also result in loss of valuable lives. The role of health and social care professionals and families becomes significantly important when it comes to providing quality care and safety to minors and infants.

17 months old British boy named Baby Peter Connelly (Baby P) was subjected to negligence and abuse that took away his valuable life. The child was found dead in his cot. During the 8 months period, the child suffered from more than 50 injuries, for which he was taken to NHS and Haringey Children's services for treatment repeatedly. Negligence on the part of health and social care sector in providing safety to the child against child care abuse and quality health care resulted in his death.

With reference to providing quality care and safety to patients both adults and children different methods and interventions has been implemented in health care sector. These implementations are said to have proactive and promising health outcomes that not only increases the rate of well-being but also develops positive trust and confidence. One such intervention is working in a partnership that has provided positive health results in the health sector.


Background of Baby Peter Case

Peter Connelly case also known as Baby P case, took place in 2007. Peter suffered from bruises that were indescribable and were so serious that they congregated the threshold of care procedures. There was no evidence of how these injuries took place, and were declared unserious by health professionals. The child suffered due to the negligence shown by social workers, doctors, police and lawyers. More importantly it was the negligence of health professionals that resulted in the loss of life of an innocent child. The death of the child could have been prevented only of the professionals had taken appropriate approach the case to restrict the incident. Baby P died in the hands of his mother and her partner.

In 2006, Peter was brought to hospitals with bruises on his face. The paediatric under whose care Peter was brought to concluded that the bruises were non accidental and did not question the mother related to the issue. The doctors believed the stories the mother would tell them to defend her and never investigated the issue in detail. Doctors and social workers took the whole scenario with an optimistic approach when the child was brought to the hospital in April 2007 (Williams, 2010, pp. 1). The child had 60 visits from different agencies during the eight months periods, but they failed to recognize bruises as an accidental one. The role of social worker, doctors and police lacked proficiency and ...