Awareness Of Health Issues

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Awareness of Health Issues

Awareness of Health Issues



Health care3

Awareness programs3

The need of a health issue awareness program4

Involvement of the agencies and organization5

Factors to be considered in planning an awareness program5

Financial support5


Handling socio-economic differences6

Health issues need awareness6

The affects of the awareness program7

Activities in raising an awareness7

Media marketing7

Press advertisement8

Online promotion8

Awareness walks8

Roles and responsibility of the team8

Activities by a team in a particular health issue9

Implementation of the awareness program10

Formation of an advertisement team10

The Back End Team10

The Front Line Team10

Managerial heads10

Budget management11

Effective communication11


Survey and the criteria of activities12

Collation of information13

Review the program13


Using psychologists13

Using role models14

Free first time tests14

Celebrity endorsement14

Forming legal documents and reports15



Awareness of Health Issues


Health issue awareness programs are the set of activities incorporated into a program that is intended to benefit a targeted population. For the contribution in raising the health awareness, proper formation and implementation of these programs play a dynamic role.


Health care

Health is the basic necessity of life, and everyone holds equal right to stay healthy. The healthcare system has been in a state of continuous development. . In the past 10 years, there has been a drastic advancement in the technology and efficiency of the health care system. The research has been promoted, and the different health care associations have been working deliberately to use these technologies and research to benefit the mankind. For this purpose, there has been an increase in the competitive health care professional, the hospitals, community care centers and nursing homes. The awareness campaigns have made a drastic change in public education and awareness regarding the health care issues.

Awareness programs

Awareness programs are the pivotal elements of the health care system. With the hectic routines and limited medical media exposure, the general public does not get sufficient knowledge regarding their health conditions. The only time they come to know about the disease is when the micro organisms have become strong enough. This goes with the youth.

The awareness programs are the campaigns launched by the experts and professionals to educate the public regarding a particular topic that would be beneficial for them.

The need of a health issue awareness program

Health is the basic necessity of life. Health care has been developing rapidly in the past few years. With the advancement in technology, there has been an increase in the health requirements by the population. The disease profile has no decreased but intensified in the past few years. If we take HIV as an example, the disease has been one of the fastest prevailing diseases in the United Kingdom. According to the report by the government 6,280 new cases were diagnosed in the year 2011 alone. As the report by the United Kingdom government indicates, around 24 percent of the population suffering from HIV are undiagnosed, and they do not know about their disease.

The health issues awareness programs can be used to evaluate the health care outcomes in a community and to educate the population regarding their health issues. These programs can be based on any particular health issue that has a high prevalence rate or danger ...
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