Automobile Emissions

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Automobile Emissions

Automobile Emissions

Auto Emissions

Auto emissions are the gasses that are released from automobiles which causes pollution and other diseases. Auto emissions are the main contributor of air pollution now days. Increased reliability on fossil fuels for running vehicles has increased oxide of Nitrogen and Sulfur, carbon mono oxide and volatile hydrocarbons in atmosphere. Chemicals and dust coming out from the factory and mixing into air also contributing in air pollution.

Types of emissions

There are two categories of pollution-causing emissions from automobiles, tailpipe emissions (exhaust) due to combustion of fuel, and evaporative emissions arising out of the evaporation of fuel. Automobile exhausts contain a number of gases that are harmful to living beings. Hydrocarbons, which arise out of incomplete combustion of fuel, can cause smog in congested cities. Oxide gases of nitrogen and sulphur are highly poisonous and are known to cause breathing problems. They result in acid rain, causing damage to plant life and defacing structures built of marble (Sher, 2004).

The most dangerous gas given out in exhaust is carbon monoxide, which can kill a human being even if a small concentration of the gas is inhaled. Another gas, carbon dioxide, contributes significantly to the 'greenhouse effect' which causes global warming.

Health Problems Due To Air Pollution Caused By Auto Emissions

There are many health problems associated with air pollution, but most of them are connected with our respiratory system. The harmful chemicals of air can be absorbed by blood and transported throughout the body also affects our health a lot. It is not just outside air but also inside air of your house can be polluted enough to raise numerous health risks (Jackson, 2007). The main health problems associated with air pollution include:

Irritation in eyes, as well as respiratory tract caused by powdery particles present in the air.

In highly polluted air, problems like chest tightness, burning sensation in eyes arises.

Bronchitis and emphysema are some medical disorders which results from air pollution

Air pollution increases the likelihood of acute or severe asthma.

Lung cancer or heart related problems can also be the outcome of air pollution.

Automobile Emissions Control

Automobile emissions control refers to the various measures that are carried out to keep check on vehicle exhausts, so as to lessen their detrimental effect on the environment. Air pollution is a cause for growing concern around the world, since it can bring about a variety of problems for not just humans, but also the entire ecosystem. Most of the world's air pollution originates from automobile exhaust. This is why numerous techniques have been devised to cut down the concentrations of harmful pollutants given out by them (Campbell and Rhee, 2003).

Emissions control measures have been adopted all around the world. There has been fairly good response to local and national legislation enforcing rules to limit vehicular pollution. However, with the ever increasing number of vehicles on the roads of both developed and underdeveloped countries, real progress in bringing down air pollution levels has been slower than ...
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