Autodesk, Inc.

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Project Delivery at Autodesk, Inc

Project Delivery at Autodesk, Inc

1. Determine how you would manage the morale of the team related to the change management?

Change management would require improving the morale and motivation of the team of Autodesk employees. The motivation and driving force is an important element in any sphere of human activity, but is at work which achieves the highest prevalence. It is the process that causes a person to act in a certain way or at least creates a propensity toward a particular behaviour (McClelland 2007).

Responsibility for leading may also be shared across the entire group rather than concentrated in a single individual. Some researchers' analysis of followership suggests effective group members act as leaders themselves for they take responsibility for setting their own goals and procedures. Followers, by definition, follow a leader, but they must be able to exercise their independence and monitor themselves and their progress. Ineffective followers are overly dependent on a leader and unable to execute their duties without considerable guidance from a leader.

Distributed shared leadership is particularly appropriate in smaller groups and is the guiding principle behind self-managed teams. Three regions of control have been described that are often assumed by a leader in organizational settings: managing the work process, designing the team itself within the organisation context, and setting objectives. In a traditional manager-led team, members do the work of the team, but someone external to the group acts as their leader by carrying out all executive functions for the team. Members of self-managing teams have more autonomy, for they are charged with both executing the task and monitoring and managing the team's work. Self-designing teams enjoy more discretion in terms of control over their team's design, for they have the authority to change the team itself. The team leader sets the direction, but the team members have full responsibility for doing what needs to be done to get the work accomplished (McClelland, 2007).

2. Critique what steps must be taken to ensure that all team members learn of changes?

The Autodesk Inc. of leadership is where the leader has higher concerns regarding the needs and emotions of the employee. This leader operates under the theory that if employees are contented only then they can work hard (Hisrich, Michael, and Dean, 2005). High performance team must move toward the typical target. They must do this to generate the level of achievement ...