Autistic Child In The New York City Education System (Learning Disability)

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Autistic Child in the New York City Education System (Learning Disability)


This paper aims at discussing the problem of autism among children in the age of early childhood. The issue of learning disability is focused mainly by observing the educational difficulties of the child aging between 6 to 10 years, in the New York School System. This paper includes the evaluation of the child on the basis of tests and other behavioral interventions, together with the consultation of psychologists for analyzing the psychological behavior of the child. The development of IEP plan and its related aspects are also discussed. The genograms approach of the psychologists and its impacts on the learning disabilities of the child are also discussed.




Overview of Autism2

Symptoms & Effects on Life2

Problems faced by the child3

Evaluation of the problems of the child4

Informing the Child's Parents4

IEP Plan5

Applied Behavior Analysis- (ABA)6

Legislative Implications6

Methods used7

ADOS- Autistic Diagnostic Observation test7

Drawing Genograms8

Mutual consultation of the psychologists and the child's Parents9




Autistic Child in the New York City Education System (Learning Disability)


This paper discusses the autism disorder in the children that affects their educational system. Autism disorder has its effects on all the aspects of, but focusing on the educational concerns is aimed because of the child behavior being observed at the school. Children suffering from autism are found to have learning disabilities. The child observed is found to be aging between 6 to 10 years, studying in the schools of New York City. The teachers observing the child make the school administration to call for the psychologists for the treatment of the child, based on the abrupt behavior among other children while stating at school.

With the diagnosis of the disorder, the administration calls for the child's parents and a meeting is held with the parents and the psychologists, together with a representative teachers. During the meeting, the parents are informed about the behavior of the child with the reason behind it. Then the psychologists develop an IEP Plan with the drawings of genograms for the betterment of child. IEP is the Individual Development Plan which enables an individual to lead her life accordingly as planned. The efforts of the schooling system are appreciated in this regard in order to create a way for others if they face the same scenarios.


This paper focuses on the problem of autism among young children. Autism is the most common condition, representing disorders in the development of an individual that are known as “Autism Spectrum Disorders” (ASDs). It carries impairment in socializing, difficulty in communicating either verbal or non-verbal, and the unusual repetition of various interests or activities by the affected individuals (Anonymous, (n.d)). People with autism have different levels of disabilities in learning that affects all the aspects of their life, from studying to the daily life concerns. These aspects include the improper dealing with all the tasks either to wash themselves or to eat their meal. These impacts are observed among young children bases on these impairments in socializing, communication and repetition of interests, behaviors and activities; ...