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This paper analyzes whether the work systems of teaching are an effective method of educating children with autism in obtaining individual learning targets.

Autism Autism is a progeny hood infection where the progeny is in a personal world, and is initiated by biological components. It is a neurological disorder that sways the children, who most can demonstrate special abilities, sensory schemes, their proficiency to broadcast and their proficiency to completely participate in society. An autistic child can get help by distinct treatments; the most recent one is the facilitation therapy.

Characteristics of Autistic Children

The most significant trait in an autistic child is that they do not interact with the people around them. Moreover, the other trait includes dialect retardation and ritualistic or compulsive behaviors of these children. It is mainly because of poor parents that the children become autistic. In this the only solution comes from the parents who should learn parenting and treat the children accordingly. Autism is initiated by biological components and this is because of neurological symptoms, genetic causes as well as infections. Moreover, problems that occur during pregnancy can also result in this. Although autism is not considered as a disease or disorder, autistic young kids can illustrate special skills. These skills are mentioned to as "isolated islets of intelligence”. Some demonstrations of these are found in an autistic child's proficiency in making drawing, playing and in recalling certain dates (DfEE 2000, pp.10).


A problem that arises when autistic children are going through therapy is beginning to lose their amazing skills. Numerous therapies have been developed to help autistic children. Some of these treatments are behaviour treatment, speech and language treatment, holding treatment, melodies treatment, and the newest one, facilitation therapy. Since most autistic young kids are different and their behaviours are distinct, one therapy may be more productive than another one.

Facilitation Therapy

Facilitation therapy is catching on, but is currently becoming a controversy. Although facilitation treatment is one of the most popular used procedures in broadcasting with autistic young kids, it is being downgraded because of the controversies where the young kids are being manipulated by the facilitators. At the sage of three, it can be detected whether the child is suffering from the issue of autism. Starting the treatment in the initial stages is important because this is a critical component in turning around the disorder”. Other elements in autistic treatment that are significant components in assisting with the child are "observations, setting up relationships, and changing behaviours” (Hart 2006, pp. 150). Once autistic children have made a connection, they are brought nearer to the out-of-doors world. That is why facilitation treatment is so popular.

Understanding of autism has developed tremendously since Dr. Leo Kunner first recounted it in 1943. Some of the previous explorations for therapies now seem unrealistic in periods of today's understanding of brain-based disorders. To therapy means, "to refurbish health, soundness or normality". In the medical sense, there is not therapy for the dissimilarities in the mind, which result in autism. However, better understanding of the disorder has commanded to the development of better coping means and strategies for the various manifestations of the disability. Some of these symptoms may reduce as the child ages; other ones may ...
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