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Autism is a condition that is typically diagnosed in children prior to age three, in which an individual demonstrates significant impairment in communication abilities. Autism, affects the normal development of brains with social and communication skills. Autism is a condition of brain that is linked with physical, abnormal and biological nature of the body. The exact abnormality causes for autism remains unknown, and it considered as an active research area. (Courchesne, Pg # 337-344)

Factors for Autism

Factors such as genetic are important in Autism. For example, twins people who are identical or siblings with autism. Similarly, abnormalities such as language are common in people with autism. Chromosomal and neurological problems are also common in families with autism. (Cook, Pg # 333-350)

A number of other possible causes have been suspected, but not proven. They involve:


•Digestive tract changes

•Mercury poisoning

•The body's inability to properly use vitamins and minerals

•Vaccine sensitivity

The Subject

Konrad is an eighteen-year-old teenager who lives with his parents and is family friends of ours. Konrad's mother is a full-time housewife. Konrad spend hours watching the sky, oftentimes he tries to grab dust particles in the air, rocking back and forth while sitting on a chair, and sometimes repeat dialogues from sports commentary. He always hesitates of making eye contacts, sometimes communicating to people even with his mother. Konrad rarely plays any sports and always keep himself isolated, usually his favorite past time is playing with his common toys that he had for the last 12 years and is very aggressive about each of the toy character he have.

At birth Konrad appeared physically healthy, and there were no identified problems during pregnancy or at birth. However, Konrad did not respond to parental interactions, often looked away from his parents, and did not babble as developmentally appropriate by age six months. Konrad made click noises, but ...
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