Visual Timetable for the Pupil Using Appropriate Visual Supports
The children with ASD are in need of visual support in order to learn the various and basic activities of life. The visual support is very helpful in facilitating the understanding as well as supporting the communication. The visual supports encompass the photographs, pictures, symbols and objects. Children can understand and accept the information in much better way via this support. Along with this, the proper scheduling or timetable on daily, weekly or monthly bases is essential t develop a change as well as the deficient skills in children with ASD. Moreover, such techniques are helpful in declining the stress, anxieties or depression via making the life of children, with ASD, more predictable. The use of sand timers and clocks are also helpful in realizing the children duration of one activity (Meadan et al, 2011, p. 28). There are several types of visual supports that includes
Aids of specialized communication
Use of traditional tools for organizing the knowledge
Environmental cues
Body movement
The purpose of visual support provision is that it is useful in introducing the novel concepts and ideas for teaching, in helping children to express their feelings, moods, and needs. Moreover, it describes the good and worse behavior of children, gives options to children in order to make choice and hence confidence. Children become able to sequence the activities and help in changes and transitions. Teachers, parents, and health care and other professionals can also use such visual supports at home, school and other places. The objects and other stuff are portable and can be brought to anywhere. However, the appropriate timetable is necessary with respect to the need and deficiencies of the children with ASD. The following is the timetable for one week with the time distribution of each work in a day. The other schedule showing the time distribution with respect to the activities to be performed in a single day (Cohen & Sloan, 2007, pnd).
Time Table for One Week
Time Table for Monday
Significance of Visual Timetable
The given timetable of visual support is significant for the children to
Sustain the child independence
Introduce the intended modification in the weekly and daily routine of children
Offer the continuous reminder
Introduce the novel activities with respect to the previous one
Facilitate the understanding of event sequencing
Develop the ability in children to predict the future event
All the children with ASD need the appropriate scheduling on daily or weekly basis in order to organize their day, struggle for self occupy.
Development and implementation of Visual System
In order to fulfill the requirement of the children, the visual support provider should
Choose the system of visual support such as written words, symbols, photographs or concrete objects
Sequence and organize the timetables prior of starting the day
Place the time table in the recognizable area for each children
Employ the timetable to start the clear beginning and finish with the activities or the lesson
Say less and stress, go slow and show
Reinforce and show actively the end of every activity ...