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A developmental disability that usually comprises of the impairments and holdups in the behavior, language and social skills is known as Autism. It is a spectrum disorder which means that the people are affected in it diversely. By the pervasive and severe impairments, the autism is characterized in various significant fields of development. These fields include the reciprocal communication and social interaction, imagination along with the human behavior. By the age of three years, the symptoms of autism appear in the children.

Before the age of one and a half year, it is intricate to diagnose the autism even if the parents have observed that something is erroneous during the childhood. The reason for this intricacy is that the behavioral symptoms that are used for the diagnosis are not apparently developed till the age of eighteen months. Most of the children with autism have mental retardation i.e. learning disability; however, some of these children have an average intelligence.

Majority of the children have hearing and visual impairment and epilepsy is also found in these group of children. The people which have the Asperger's syndrome i.e. somehow resembles to autism, also have above average aptitude. In a rough approximation almost one to two children in thousand have autism (Adam, et al. 2004).


For more than half a century, the autism has been confusing the scientists. A wide range of symptoms are incorporated with the intricate behavioral disorder. All these behavioral orders usually emerge before a child reaches the age of three years. Children affected with autism are unable to comprehend the emotional states of others and fail to identify the sorrow, anger and controlling intention. The language skills of such children are usually inadequate and it is very intricate for them to sustain or commence the discussions. These children also commonly show signs of passionate obsession with a single gesture, action or subject.


A behaviorally-characterized condition is Autism. However, autism is brought on by various distinctive known and obscure biologically based dysfunctions of brain that influence the improving capacity of the brain to handle the informative data. A neuro developmental disorder is known as autism.

In many cases there is a genetic component. The distinctive path of preparing qualified data, for example observing, preparing and translating qualified data, studying new activities and carrying on in a decently acclimated manner, accelerates the behavioral deviations that could be watched.

Effects of Autism

The effects of autism incorporate modifications to the mind stem, the area simply above the spinal cord (left). The stem of the brain of an individual with autism is shorter than an ordinary mind stem. The structures at the intersection of the medulla and the pons (for example the trapezoid body and the facial nucleus) are nearer to the formations of the lower medulla (the inferior olive and the hypoglossal nucleus). It is like if a band of tissue were absent.

The brainstem of an individual with autism additionally fails to offer the superior olive and has a more diminutive than typical facial ...
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