Australian Football League

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Australian Football League

Executive Summary1



Some Current or Previous Marketing Campaigns of the Australian Football League4

Plan for the Marketing Campaign of Australian Football League6



Executive Summary

The paper has provided the detailed account on marketing efforts of Australian Football League which it uses to promote the League and to increase its fan bases. The paper has highlighted some of its recent and previous advertisement campaigns where in it targeted the fans through the emotional ways. for instance, one of its well effective ad campaign which was for the protection of the homosexual at the workplaces. The key rationale of this ad campaign was to promote respect for each other while ensuring the healthy environment for everyone regardless of gender orientations. Hence, this initiative of AFL was based on the anti discrimination act which pushed everyone to change their behaviors and attitudes towards the LGBT people in the sports and the workplace.

The other part of the paper has focused on providing the new marketing and advertising techniques to the AFL to get the extended fan base through engaging the fans on the social media platforms such as facebook, twitter, pinterest, and etc. Moreover, other marketing techniques include sponsorships, effective advertisements, targeting new audiences, and volunteering activities, and so on. In short, the paper has provided the in depth and comprehensive account over the marketing campaigns which the Australian Football League can use to increase its market share and accelerate its fan base.

Australian Football League


The paper intends to talk about the Australian Football League. The Australian Football League is considered as the native sport to Australia and has obtained the position of being National Australian Identity. The paper aims to look at the ways towards its expansion in the other states within Australia and outside its territory through the development of advertising campaign. This move will also contribute in confirming to its position in the national identity and increasing the fan bases. In addition to it, the paper also attempts to explore the significance of Australian Football League within the Australian Society.

Australian Football League (AFL) is one of the renowned sports in the Australia which makes the largest business within the sports and recreation industry in the Australia. It is the only sport which invites everyone to be involved and as per the estimation there are more than twenty representative nationalities in the current playing list of the AFL. However, the Australian Sports Commission has indicated the increased its number of participants up to sixty four percent during the period of 10 years between 2001 and 2010 (Australian Sports Commission, 2010). Now, it is played in more than thirty countries across the globe (Curtis, 2008). Moreover, AFL is still working towards increasing its list by attracting more people from more other communities to Australian Football League. AFL is actually the peak body which is accountable to manage and administer Australian rules of football. The core purpose of this league is to support all football levels from the juniors to the ...