Auditing And Assurance Services

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Auditing and Assurance Services

Auditing and Assurance Services

Section A

Question 1

All Australian universities have their expected Graduate Attributes (GA). ACU expects that, on successful completion of the units, students will have developed their ability to, among other attributes:

GA1demonstrate respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity

GA2recognise their responsibility to the common good, the environment and society

GA3apply ethical perspectives in informed decision making

Imagine you are the lecturer-in-charge. One of the students does not respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity, and does not accept the responsibility to the common good, the environment and society. The student also advocates “greed is good, maximizing profit at all costs”.

Discuss three reasons in point form why:

You should fail the student;

You should pass the student.


Reasons to fail the student

1. The most important reason to fail the student remains the fact that the student do not respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity. We live in a society where people from different backgrounds live together in order to make their lives better off; therefore it remains extremely important for students to respect the human diversity.

2. The student seems to be self centred which is against the values the Australian Universities intends to teach students. The Australian Universities intends to make students socially and environmentally responsible for the betterment of society; if a student does not accept the responsibility to common good; he must be failed (Jenkins & Haynes, 2003).

3. The approach of student that greed is good seems to be extremely disturbing and alarming for the lecturer. This approach can create significant problems for the society and the organisation, student will join in future. Therefore, in order to correct his approach, it remains important to fail him at this stage.

Reasons to pass the student

1. The students get enrolled in universities for gaining knowledge in relation with their area or field of study. All such concepts like being socially responsible and having respect for diversity must be learned beforehand. The personal opinions cannot become the reason to fail the students; students must be judged on their educational performance and nothing else.

2. The student must be passed mainly because of the fact that 'F' grades might become a hindrance in his future career. The criteria for passing and failing must be in the assessment of student's learning of the subject area; not the social values.

3. The student must be provided with another chance. Failing the student on the basis of not having moral values of being socially responsible and respecting the human diversity may make the students more against such values. The aspect of hatred against being socially responsible and respecting human diversity might become even more prominent.

Question 2

Imagine you are the Chief Executive Officer of one of the BIG Four accounting firms. Illustrate with a specific example, respectively, to explain how you would cultivate the culture among employees of the institution such that they would respect

The dignity of each individual in the ...
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