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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder And Crime

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and crime

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is none of the most common childhood disorder and can have an effect on the different aspects of life of an individual. It is most categorized by the impulsive, inattentive and hyperactive behavior of an individual. The sum of these characteristics and behavioral traits cause an individual to behave criminally. The purpose of this paper is to examine that whether there exist a connection between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and criminal behavior. It also studies that people who have attention deficit disorder are more likely to be involved in criminal acts than non-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This paper will study the characteristics, symptoms and diagnoses



Research topic2

Statement of the problem3

Research hypothesis3


Causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder6

Treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder7

Literature review9

Impact of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder9

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and crime11

Coexisting disorder13



Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and crime


Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) also sometimes known as attention deficit disorder (ADD) is one of the utmost prevailing childhood disorder and seemingly in thirty to sixty percent of cases it can continue through adolescence and adulthood. The common symptoms of this disorder are hyperactivity, difficulty in paying attention and monitoring behavior. This disorder occurs in between 2 - 17 years old school and high school students. Figures show there is a powerful link between serious life problems in adulthood and. The individuals of disorder of attention deficiency are more probable to commit one or other crime once in their life span. Study in 2002 shows that 18% of prisoner's had probable childhood disorder of attention deficiency and 46% of adult prisoner were disorder of attention deficiency. The main reason for this link between disorder of attention deficiency and criminal activity though remains unclear and is discussed in different research and by individual scholars (Blake, 2006).

Research topic

Our research paper is based on the analysis that there is a big probability that children or an adult suffering from disorder of attention deficiency can be involved in unlawful activities, and the proper use of medication in this case can substantially reduce the criminal urges in them. The child who suffered from attention deficit disorder is more likely to commit some crime in his adulthood life as well. The main reason for them to commit criminal activity is impulsiveness, to obtain what, please them and to seek adventure out of boredom in life.

Statement of the problem

Disorder of attention deficiency adult and children often commit minor crimes like over speeding and law violations to some bigger crimes like drug abuse. The use of medication of disorder of attention deficiency can reduce the rate of crime in them.

Research hypothesis

The people suffering from disorder of attention deficiency are more probable to commit a crime than those who are not suffering from this disorder. The reason for disorder of attention deficiency people to commit crime are impulsiveness, and they usually leap into action before thinking. They steal things that they want, do what they want and sometimes hurt people ...
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