Attention Deficit Disorder

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Attention deficit disorder


 Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is present from childhood through adulthood in almost 60% of children. ADD is still viewed by many as a childhood disease. My research would seek to examine adults with ADD over their lifetime concerning variables of education, social adjustment, vocational aptitude, vocational satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction. The design would involve 150 men and 150 women (3 from each state in the US) who are diagnosed with ADD and at least 21 years of age. Subjects would be tested annually for a period of 10 years. The statistical test I would use to analyze the data would be repeated measures MANCOVA. The longitudinal method of study will be deployed in my research project.Attention deficit disorder


Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is the topic that I selected for my research study. This study will examine adults with ADD over their lifetime concerning variables of education, social adjustment, vocational aptitude, vocational satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction. The research would assess and compare the problems related to educational background; social adjustment and dissatisfaction which is faced by the adults suffering from this disorder.

The independent variables are education, social adjustment, vocational aptitude and relationship satisfaction. The dependent variables of this research are sub-section scores collected from self made questionarries.the hypethese of this research is that adults with ADD have lower independent variables access as compared to those who do not have ADD.


The research method aims to use the longitudinal studies to evaluate the relationships between variables that are assumed to be formulating and affecting ADD. This study is an observational research technique, and it would be beneficial only if it continuous the studying of the same group of individuals over an extended duration. This research will be helpful for me in tracking the changes in my sample over time. Longitudinal studies are commonly used for studying human development and life span issues due to this advantage. I have been granted enough money to conduct the longitudinal study on ADD. Still, I would be prepared to face my difficulties and challenges that arise due to these studies (Cotter, 2005).

There are three types of longitudinal research methods. I could have chosen a study which involves the cross section sampling of individuals. But this would have resulted in misleading results. Another way is a cohort study which involves the sample to be chosen on predefined criteria. The retrospective study aims to look critically at the past record of individual. I have chosen the cohort study with the criteria of geographical location. I initially designed my research to include 150 men and 150 women (3 from each state in the US) who are diagnosed with ADD and at least 21 years of age. Analsying the issues related to such a diverse sample, I changed the sample attributes to local individuals only. All 150 men and 150 women will be from same state. The control group would consist of 150 men and 150 women (3 from each state in the US) who are at least 21 ...
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