Atokowa Advantage

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Case Study in Systems and Operations Management - Atokowa

[Institutes Name]

Executive Summary

This report is based on the case of Atokowa Advantage, which is one of the leading companies in printing and in delivering office supplies to different organizations and individuals. This report is mainly focused on the systems and operation management issues of the company. Some of the issues that have been identified pertain to technology, human resource, marketing and supply chain. In order to deal with such issues, different models have been identified through which, the company can achieve competitive advantage in terms of its operations and systems. At the end of the report, some of the recommendations and suggestions have also been given, through the consideration of which, the management will be able to improve its services and sales.

Table of Contents


Systems and Operations Management Analysis and Evaluation1

Soft System Methodology1

Business Process Mapping2

Decision-Making Hierarchy5

Support Systems for Business Processes6

Pareto Analysis7

Current Issues8

Suggestions for Problem Solving10

Systems and Operations Management Recommendations11

Operational Management11

Need for Management of Operations in Atokowa Advantage12



Case Study in Systems and Operations Management - Atokowa


There are a number of issues in the systems and operations of Atokowa Advantage, which are required to be addressed and corrected. The success of Atokowa Advantage depends on the efficiency of the operations and implementation of systems. In addition, Atokowa Advantage needs to have a proactive strategy instead of a reactive strategy, which has been creating problems for the company in different areas of the business. The report aims to highlight and discuss some of the core issues of Atokowa Advantage and provide concrete recommendations and solutions. Atokowa Advantage trades with extensive range of office supplies and stationery to organizations, businesses and individuals. It serves a wide range of customers from individual to business. However, the management has not been able to accumulate data and information through a centralized system, which can also serve as a data base for the company's analysts. As a result, the company has not been able to develop strategies and practices, which could improve the operations of the company in areas such as technology, human resource, retail management, marketing and supply chain. Therefore, the company needs to examine such issues closely and develop appropriate strategies for corrections. Following are some of the models which can facilitate Atokowa Advantage in order to cope up with the issues.

Systems and Operations Management Analysis and Evaluation

Soft System Methodology

Soft system methodology is based on learning. The development of this system has resulted in the establishment of a method in any particular situation must be reduced to a method suitable only to that particular situation," this very important aspect because it considers the complexity of ever-changing real world may not be established equal to two problematic cases which could be addressed equally. It assumes the reality constantly reconstructed as a social process of negotiation, starting the fact that the survival of an organization as an independent entity is not possible whereas it requires a group of people to work with and combine effort of all ...