Asylum Seekers In Australia

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Asylum seekers in Australia


The debate about the sentiments of the antis-asylum seekers in Australia is gaining a lot of momentum lately; many think that the anti-asylum seekers are forming their views on the basis of racism while many believe that it is not true. In order to study this, there was a research that was conducted by the amnesty international in order to find out that if the issues that are being raised by the anti-asylum seekers are related to the racism issue or not.


The findings of the study were astonishing as they showed that the views of the anti-asylum seekers were not on the basis of racism at all. It was even found that the refugees living in Australia are pointing out other refugees that are trying to seek asylum in Australia as fake, and they were besides blamed to be occupying the areas that were the entitlement of others who belonged to those areas. It was found during the study that people from the same race were even pointing out the others of their race, as, not the legitimate and as the false asylum-seekers. It was further researched in the research that what is the reason that was causing them to blame the people of their own race as being the fake ones (Kim, 2011; Pederson et. al, 2008).

This resulted in finding that mostly anti-asylum seekers believed the false knowledge or the mis-communicated information that was communicated to them. This information said that the refugees trying to get asylum are faking their identities or are faking the information that they submit about them, in order to get easy access to food and shelter. This has not only created a negative perception of them in the eyes of the refugees belonging to their own race, but has also produced the anti-asylum seekers to understand that most of the people that are seeking asylum are not the legitimate cases. Furthermore, it has also caused them to believe that these refugees are the ones that are faking their identities and situations in order to get access to asylum (Kim, 2011; Shelter SA, 2013).

There were steps taken in order to eliminate this negative idea regarding the genuine refugees who are most of one's that arrive through the ship while leaving behind only a few who are not real and are trying to fake their way into the asylums. This attempt was made through informing the anti-asylum seekers about the refugee's actual background followed by some emotional messages that are conveyed to them in the form of advertising.

This strategy, of reaching out to people who have anti-asylum seeker views, with the idea of describing the details to them and further on developed by rational reasoning, was not found to be very successful. As of which there was a little bit of amendments made to approach and instead of rational reasoning the details about the refugee's background were supported with the emotional messages. This was an approach to get people to develop some ...
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