The symptoms of Asthma range from minor ones to sever ones and can vary from individual to an individual. Identifying the symptoms and signs of asthma is a significant element of managing an individual with asthma disease. Being Alert regarding early warning signs and mild symptoms aids to the best possible treatment preventing any unwanted and undesired circumstances. Early treatment is definitely the most logical one, however, if symptoms of severe asthma are present it is crucial to start appropriate treatment as soon as possible. Timely and accurate evaluation of signs and symptoms of asthma can facilitate in the decision making of your healthcare provider regarding the treatment procedure to be followed. However, the symptoms can change over time, depending on the conditions. In general, first warning signs of asthma may appear twenty four hours prior to the asthma attack, and these signs should actually be treated as early asthma symptoms. If recognized on time it can prevent undesired consequences.
Early Warning Signs
The warning signs should be treated as early asthma symptoms. They include following symptoms: Difficult cough that remains persistent; Scratchy, itchy and sore throat; Congested and stuffy nose. At times even runny nose; Dark circles; Waking up at nights and sleep disruption; Watery and itchy eyes; Increased tiredness with activities that one could complete easily; Mood fluctuations; Stomachache; Head ache; Restless feeling; Pale complexion; Fever; Sneezing; Below average Peak Flow readings and flaring up of Eczema, feeling of anxiety and depression are some of the very common early warning signs of Asthma.
Signs and Symptoms of Worsening Asthma
With the progress of illness, the situation might get worst, and patients start to experience worst conditions as the airways become inflamed and narrow and gets filled with mucous. Chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing and chronic cough, are serious symptoms.
You will experience worsening of every critical condition such as the Peak Flow reading might start falling well below in the yellow zone, and quick relief medications might become less effective.
Symptoms Indicating Possible Emergency
These indications include severe asthma symptoms that are life threatening and should be treated with immediate possible clinical procedures. Assistance of healthcare providers should be taken right away when these symptoms are observed to start. These symptoms include following: wheezing, rigorous coughing, conciseness of breath due to stiffness and rigidity of the chest, trouble in concentrating on usual activities, difficulty in talking, mere walking might cause shortness of breath, breathing can get slower or faster than normal and shallow breaths become a prominent feature, arched shoulders, nasal flare up i.e. size of nostril enlarges while exhalation or inhalation, neck area and between or below the ribs moves inward with breathing (retractions), bluish or Gray tone to skin, starting in the region of the mouth (cyanosis) and peak flow numbers might drop to red zone usually fifty percent below the personal best.
Causes of Asthma
According to the researchers, asthma is sourced by genetic and environmental ...