Assistive Technology Plan

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Assistive Technology Plan

Assistive Technology Plan

Name of Learner: Kenneth John

Disability Area: Physical Impairment

Age/Grade: 2

Description of the Learner (educational strengths, needs, family involvement, other pertinent information): The learner, Kenneth John is currently studying in grade 2 and is suffering from a physical impairment. Due to some complications during his birth, Kenneth's arms are impaired due to which he has difficulty in writing as well as typing. He also cannot hold on to items firmly as a result he has a lot of problem writing with a pencil. Till now he is being assisted by the teacher at school and his parents at home who hold his hand and make him write. However, this cannot be continued for long because of which an assistive technology plan would be required to be enforced.

Along with his physical disability, the learner also has difficulty in understanding mathematical problems and avoids studying maths because he finds it tough. Several attempts have been made to make him understand this subject but he refuses to study it. This refusal is also causing difficulties to the teachers and his parents because he does not study with them.

The learner's parents are taking a lot of care to ensure that their child gets educated despite his disability. In order to do so, they spend a few hours each day teaching him and helping him learn to write normally because they know that if they do not teach him now he will have a difficult time in his life.

Goals of the AT Plan: The goal of the assistive technology plan would be to use technology in order to assist the learner write without the need for someone to assist him (Westwood, 2009). The technology should provide sufficient assistance which would enable him to be free to write as he wishes without any restrictions. The second goal of the plan would be to help him understand maths in a more enjoying way. The plan is to make maths fun for him so that he may be persuaded to study it (Johnsen & Kendrick, 2005). It made fun, the chances that he avoids maths is low.

Materials and Methods

Potential Barriers/Missed Opportunities

AT Solutions


Student has a physical impairment due to which he cannot hold on to things firmly including pencils. This limits his ability to write without assistance.

The students should be provided pencil grips in order to get a firm grip on his pencils (Jaeger & Bowman, 2002. These grips are different from ordinary grips as they are thicker and larger in size which helps physically impared students to have a firm hold. Such grips can be found at (

Another option is to use the WriteRight pencil grip. This pencil grip is different from other grips as it has a different shape which gives the learner a better grip. It also includes a tail that can be griped with the little finger thus making the grip even more firm. (


The student cannot move his wrists freely due to which writing seems to be difficult for ...