Assisted Suicide

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Assisted Suicide


Rapid and dramatic developments in medicine and technology have given us the power to save more lives than ever before possible in the past (Uhlmann Michael 76). Medicine at our disposal the means to cure or reduce the suffering of people suffering from diseases that was once fatal or painful. At the same time, however, medical technology has given us the power to sustain life (or as some would say, to extend the death) of patients who have physical and mental abilities cannot be recovered, which degenerate conditions cannot be undone, and whose pain cannot be eliminated.

As medicine tries to pull more and more people are on the verge of death, under the pretext that torture has deteriorated life been mercifully ended becoming louder and more frequent. Californians are now asked to support an initiative called the humane and dignified death law, which allows a doctor to end life of terminally ill patient at the request of the patient, in accordance with duly executed legal documents (Smith Wesley 45). According to this law, suicide is not a crime, but also helps in committing suicide. Whether or not we as a society must make laws punish "Suicide" has caused an intense moral contradictions.

For Assisted killing

Proponents of legalization legislation assistance claim of suicide, that all people have the moral right to freely choose what they will do with their life if they cause no harm to others (Quil l12). This right of free choice includes the right to the end of his life, when we choose. For most people, the right to end his life is right, they can easily carry there are many who want to die, but whose illness, disability, or condition makes them unable to end their lives with dignity. When such people ask for assistance in exercising their right to death, their wishes should be respected.

In addition, he argued, we are obliged to relieve the suffering of our fellow man and respect for their dignity. Lying in our hospitals today, people suffering from excruciatingly painful and terminal conditions and illnesses that left them permanently unable to act in any decent human fashion. They can only look forward to life is filled with more suffering, degradation and destruction. When such people ask for a merciful end to their pain and humiliation, it is cruel and inhumane to refuse her request. Compassion requires that we comply and cooperate.

Anti-Assisted killing

Those who are opposed to any measures that permit euthanasia argue that society has a moral obligation to protect and preserve life. To allow people to help others in the destruction of their lives violates fundamental duty we have to respect human life (Peck 121). Society committed to the preservation and protection of life should not commission people to destroy it.

In addition, opponents of aid claims of suicide that society is obliged to oppose legislation that jeopardizes the lives of innocent people. And the laws, sanctions Suicide inevitably will represent such a threat. If assisted suicide is allowed on the basis ...
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