Assist With Medication

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Assist With Medication

Assist With Medication

Q3: (1)

The things which Jessica has done incorrectly as a support worker are, Jessica has used the medicines that were intended for the other client. She gave the medicine to the client without prescription and she did not place the medicines back into the cabinet.

Part B (1)


Personal hygiene procedures

A support worker is going to open a blister pack.

A support worker should maintain the hand hygiene by using hand gloves before opening a blister pack.

A support worker places pills on a trolley while they fill a cup with water.

The pills should not be placed on the trolley because it is not a disinfected place and they should be administered immediately after opening the blister pack.

A support worker has just given a glass of water to the client to take their pills. The client takes the pills and hands the glass backs to the support worker. The support worker now moves to the next person and prepares to give them their pills.

The worker should decontaminate the hands sanitizers and alcohol gels after contacting with the patient and before moving to any other patient to avoid cross infection.

A support worker starts to cough and sneeze.

The support worker should immediately take the medicines and he should wear masks before dealing with the patients.

5. A support worker has just eaten a meal.

He should wash the hands properly with soap and water after eating the meal and should be dried thoroughly.

Part B (2). (a)

Insulin injection

Physical skills

Jackson should be well aware about the preservation of the drug like temperature.

He must be able to fill the syringe with insulin before administration.

He should be aware about the proper handling of the syringe.

He should know the correct place on the body where the drug is to be injected.

He should rub the body area after the administration of drug.

Sensory skills

He should be able to identify the name and dose of the injection.

He should be able to identify the proper angle of the syringe so that the pain perception can be reduced.

He should identify the correct dose of injection.

Cognitive skills

He should completely understand the process of administering of injection.

He should be able to remember all the procedures.

He should have enough confidence level to administer the injection individually

Bronchodilator through spacer

Physical skills

Jackson should be able to attach the spacer with bronchodilator.

He should be able to shake the drug properly before administration.

He must inhale and exhale the drug effectively.

Sensory skills

Jackson must have the ability to sense the need of bronchodilator.

He should be able to take the correct dose of the drug in the inhaler.

He should be able to sense the amount of drug that is left in the inhaler.

Cognitive skills

He should be able to seal his lips properly during the administration of drug.

He should be able to retain all the skills that are taught regarding the use of bronchodilator.

He should be able to establish the coordination between activation and ...
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