Assignment Three

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Assignment Three

Assignment Three

Question 1

The strengths of the campaign are mentioned below:

Strong emphasis on relations between the company and its customers

The campaign is more focused on customer satisfaction rather than too much focus on profits of the business

Promotional deals offered to customers are unique and would be beneficial for retaining existing customers and attracting new customers

As we have planned to focus on conversations with our clients through Social Networking Websites rather than advertising our services, it will play a key role in building relations with customers. In addition, we are focusing more on satisfying our customers such as with the promotional deals and trials, they will be satisfied with the choice of cars from a wide range of variety and with the new and upcoming models.

Also, marketing planning of Dream cars addressed the various issues that dictate and determine mature consumers' responses to product and marketing distribution methods. Studies show that mature consumers place a high value on convenience, and they do not uniformly respond to an age-based marketing strategy.

Further, the deals that will be offered to customers will be one of its kinds. It is because of the fact that no other competitors are offering such deals and we will be the first to take the company to a higher level in terms of customer satisfaction and relations.

Question 2

The weaknesses of the campaign are discussed below:

We have limited our contact points to only few locations because of budget constraints.

In addition to budget, we are targeting to elite class only because of which they have placed billboards and gantries only on areas where they visit and currently we will not be having any secondary target market, other than the primary target market.

Question 3

The promotional mix used for the Dream Cars is appropriate because of the fact that we have selected specific and precise contact points to reach our target market. As we can see in our promotional campaign that we have used points such as clubs where the elite class visits, we will be providing trials over there; therefore, we can say that the promotional mix used for the company is accurate. Also, it will be effective for targeting customers.

In addition, we have also planned for fan pages on Facebook and Twitter for the company that would help it to achieve its objectives. The world electronic market worth $1.8 trillion and expects an increase to $3.2 trillion in 2012 according to BCC Research. This growth is opening new ways of e-commerce and B2B integration (Nijs & Hanssens 2012: pp. 1-22). The marketing mix will use the e- commerce by making the product available online and taking feedback from customers. The marketing mix could be expanded in the global market because the technology based companies do not have to take many social considerations as compared to other types of products, the technology features and expectations of customers about the digital product are almost alike. The only difference is how the product plan is communicated (Pauwels & Srinivasan ...
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