Assignment Part Ii - Long Questions Answers

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Assignment Part II - Long Questions Answers

Assignment Part II - Long Questions Answers

Overall, males and females have similar intellectual capacity. However, males are usually better at spatial tasks than females, while females generally perform better on verbal tasks. Discuss in your own words, the possible reasons for these differences.

It is for the most part acknowledged that men and women vary in language and spatial abilities, with men gathered unrivaled in the spatial domain and women more verbose and agreeable with language (Cherney, I. D. 2008). The cerebrum appears hard-wired to support females in the matter of language, and guys regarding spatial capacity.

While there gives off an impression of being some level of truth to this, the contrasts between men and women are not impeccably isolated along a spatial capability versus verbal capability line (D'Agostino, M. D. 2005). For example, men and women perform equivalently on such language skills as verbal thinking and vocabulary, and men really beat women on verbal analogies. Women, in spite of their gathered scientific inadequacies, are better at numerical computations.

Men do perform better on certain spatial assignments; for instance, mentally turning questions in space and perusing maps/locating points of interest (Cherney, I. D. 2008). Women, specialists have considered, are better at recollecting the area of items in an expansive show.

As per analysts, male and female brains are wired diversely as for language and verbal capability. Two crux locales of the mind utilized for language - Broca's and Wernicke's ranges - are relatively bigger in the female mind (D'Agostino, M. D. 2005). A closer examination of Wernicke's range in females uncovers that the neurons there are all the more thickly pressed and the dendrites in this district longer than in guys.

The truly huge contrast, notwithstanding, appears in where language is transformed in the male and female brains. The left and right sides of the equator of women process language very nearly just as; while in men, language is prepared generally solely by the left half of the globe (Cherney, I. D. 2008). This symmetrical preparing by the female cerebrum is not constrained to language provisions, and is presumably a consequence of a corpus callosum that is 20% bigger in females than in guys.

There are three main parent-child attachment styles that are demonstrated by the observational experiment called the “Strange Situation”. Compare and contrast the parental and child behaviors commonly attributed to each attachment style.

The Strange Situation procedure is based on the assumption that Bowlby main role of the attachment is to provoke the closeness from adult to child protective attitude in case of threat or danger.

The aim is to cause stress gradually and little by little, to observe how their behavior changes or not the sitter (Shorey, H. S., et al. 2006).

This procedure consists of initially entering a room where the child and attachment figure (adult or parent) and where it enters interact third person unknown to the child.

Secure attachment: emotional attachment with adult interaction is reflected in the (exchange objects away-proximity pattern-distance and distance interaction ...
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