Assignment Part 1: Picot

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Assignment Part 1: PICOT

Assignment Part 1: PICOT

PICOT Question:

Q: Should the flu vaccine be mandatory for health care professionals aged between 25-65 years.


Many time researchers have to face failure of research especially health care professionals because of not efficiently addressing research questions of their study. Seeing the importance of research question for a study, PICTO temple was developed which is a helpful approach for summarizing research questions which explore therapy effects. For me the purpose of this paper is to establish research Question with the help of PICOT technique. PICOT is a technique used by medical researchers to develop a clinical research question. PICOT is an acronym for the five different areas (patient population, intervention or issue, compared against intervention, and outcome framework time). My research is regarding Influenza and vaccination. The purpose of this paper is to establish significant research for my research and let readers know about the importance of PICTO approach in a study.

It is often confused with a cold insignificant, it can be very virulent. Because of the contacts health care professionals have with their patients during labor, health professionals are particularly vulnerable to influenza virus in winter (Poole, 2006). These are more common in medical offices, hospitals and other health facilities. In the hospital it is sometimes half the staff and patients who contract the flu.

(P) Population of Focus: For my research the patient population is Healthcare professionals because the health professionals are particularly vulnerable to influenza virus during their services.

(I) Intervention: Vaccination against influenza is the easiest and most effective way to avoid contracting influenza. It allows high coverage, particularly in health facilities, to maintain an effective team. Flu vaccine is the best way to prevent influenza and vaccination is the tool used to protect people against influenza. Research shows that in a ...
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