Assignment No: 5 Capstone Project

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Assignment No: 5 Capstone Project


Assignment No: 5 Capstone Project

Introduction to the Company - MICROSOFT

A market dominant, most popular American multinational corporation Microsoft incorporation was founded on April 4th, 1975. Multi billionaire Bill Gates is the founder of the company along with Paul Allen. Microsoft is the world's largest incorporation, initially Microsoft was build as a Personal Computer Operating System but later it has become the world's largest software maker. Microsoft is labelled as the world's leading incorporation in terms of the revenue it generates from its business.

Microsoft, in its early years was recognized to cultivate and sell basic interpreters but later in mid 1980s MS DOS gave this incorporation a boost in their revenues. After MS DOS operating system, the Microsoft Inc. followed its never ending success with the beginning of Windows line which led to an increase in company's rate of shares and initial public offerings. During mid-1990s the Microsoft Inc. has become an increasingly diversified from an operating system corporation and acquired many big firms. One of Microsoft's major acquisition till date is of Skype Technologies as its acquisition cost dollar eight and a half billion to Microsoft.

As Microsoft experienced an undeniable increase in its growth since its establishment from 1975, the Incorporation in mid of 1990s began to face criticism, according to critics Microsoft use anticompetitive practices in their business and exploitable strategies as well, which later resulted in denial and tying of deals with Microsoft. The critics also put a high emphasis on the Inc.'s unnecessary conditions while using their software, they also argued that Microsoft used misrepresentative tactics in order to run their business and stay as a market leader globally. In a reaction to it, United States Department of Justice along with the European Commission found them violating an anti-trust law. The world's largest software makers didn't stop here; they began to make such strategies that will not violate any law in future.


Human Resource Strategy supporting the Business Strategy

Human Resource Management strategies are always designed in a way that keeps up the corporation's business strategies, as they are directly linked to them. Microsoft's Human Resource Management also put a strong emphasis on how staffing the employees at Microsoft will ultimately relate to its business strategy as well as the organization structure. The Human Resource Department designed staffing structure will lead in implementing those strategies well throughout the Inc. but later, after 1990s when Microsoft became accused of antitrust law; the Inc. found Human Resource Management less projecting when it comes to evolving the strategies (Tennery, 2013). The reasons behind their findings were the acquisitions and mergers the Inc. did in order to generate more revenue. The corporation is using its human resource management strategy to support its business strategy in such a way that:

Their core objective while developing the strategies for business is, the integrated strategies should relate with the business strategies.

Their Human Resource Strategy includes major role of information technology as Microsoft Inc. is the world market leader in the same ...