Assignment: My Socioautobiography

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Assignment: My Socioautobiography

My Early Years of Life

India is the second most populous country of the world. Indian society comprises various racial, ethnic, religious, and lingual groups. To run their day to day affairs, they are interacting on daily basis (TCO 6). In Hindu majority areas, the other groups are living and doing business without any disturbance. Like all developing countries, India is also confronted by many social problems e.g. poverty, unemployment, drug abuse, child abuse, women discrimination and so on (TCO 1). Fortunately, I had opened my eyes in this multiethnic society and learned a number of things during the early years of life.

Culture of Our Village

In our village, there is the tradition of extended families. We all are living together and there is unity in times of facing the music, festivals, religious rituals social programs. It is primitive society and we are heavily relying on agriculture. There are no factories and business or service offices. The franchises and other companies have business units in cities.

Status of Our Family

There are less earning opportunities and people are trying to migrate in large cities in order to lead a decent life. Most of our family members are living in village, so usually there remains the state of financial constraints. Being a member of lower middle class, there was no any fascinating opportunity for me. I had tried to settle in any nearby city and settle my life but it went into futile.

Social Situation

According to the World Bank reports, the poverty rate in India is about 32 percent. The estimated literacy rate is about 74 percent. There are so calculated figures for our village. However, it looks, both these figures are mismatching with the situation of our village as there are less number of schools and many people are earning ...