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The focus of this assignment is on the healthcare assessment and care plan. Healthcare plan is available for anyone who wants to have a plan. It is an agreement between health professional and the patient in order to manage one's health in day-to -day life. It can be drafted in the form of patient notes or as a written document. Patients are encouraged to participate in drafting of care plan. This plan is an important instrument in assessing the needed care and how it would be provided (Baggott 2000, pp.14). The plan may include following items:

The ultimate goals of assessment and care plan such as recovering from addition

It mentions the support services which are required but the patient, and the person responsible for providing healthcare service and how these services will be provided

It includes contacts of related people such as physicians or other authorities, which are needed in times of emergencies

It describes medicines and schedule of taking medicines

It may include diet plan, exercise schedule or any other essential prescription (Baggott 2007, pp.3).

The Childcare Act

The reason for discussing about the childcare act here is to demonstrate awareness about the care policies in the United Kingdom

Child's Welfare and Partnerships

The major driver behind such an act is the protection and welfare of child in need. This same perspective is assumed by the court when it decided child related cases. The last major driver of the Act was to ensure and enhance the 'Cooperation and Partnership' among parents, other guardians and local authorities who are responsible for the protection of children (Butterworth, Hood, 2010, p.121).

The Care Provision

The section 17(11) of the Children Act defines a disabled child as, “A child is disabled if he is blind, deaf or dumb or suffers from mental disorder of any kind or is substantially and permanently handicapped by illness s, injury or congenital deformity or such other disability as may be prescribed.”

The (Schedule 2, paragraph 6) of the Act defines a separate, positive and explicit duty of local authorities to provide disabled children with needed services within the authorized areas in order to minimize the impact of disability on such children and provide them with better opportunities to live a better live

The Schedule 2, Paragraph 3 of the Act provides power to the local authority to arrange required assessments for disable child if they feel that the child is in need. This assessment is converged with the 1970 Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act, the 1988 Disabled Persons Act and the 1981 Education Act ( 2010, web).

Partnership and Cooperation: Requisite in Development of Professional Relationships

The significant changes brought by implementation of Children Act 1989 has mainly affected following stakeholders;


Other Guardians

Community/Local Authorities

However, the NHS National health Services is also significantly affected by the Children Act, and other who are responsible for children protection.

One of the major premises of the 1989 Act is the promotion of enhanced collaboration among those voluntary or statutory agencies, which have the responsibility to protect ...
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