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The main challenged that facing Delarks in the future, in terms of 'organizational behavior is of leadership. Leadership, vision, innovation, humane treatment and image, and teamwork, that the author's approach should be taken into account to achieve good management practice, no matter the size or rotation it; ensuring that they are developed and strengthened, so that an administrator can be more successful. This is due to the action plan for the development of skills which the author suggests.


A leader must be persuasive; to make your team collaborate to achieve the purpose or goal he set for himself. Whereas the case was very much different in Delarks as leaders was thinking for layoff with the change in upper management. At the same time to have the conviction, you must have patience to accept suggestions or modifications to the ideas I present, you must know when to present their ideas to have the impact he expected. (Conger, 1998)

Another point is that there must be credible, which can be created on the job through experience and personal relationships. (Conger, 1998)

Delarks must continue working and supporting team members in achieving the goals that were agreed. It is appropriate to set high expectations, which should be achievable, they talk to people who still resists the idea or change and listen to their views (Conger, 1998).

There will be no results if the employees who do not trust their dependents. Delarks must define the responsibilities and roles of each person involved. So important is the definition of roles as the revision of this meeting is established, this requires establishing measurement criteria and feedback, and not just wait for the administrator or chief come to revise but that the workers can evaluated to redefine them further action.

A leader is also expected to take both the successes and failures of him and of the employees who is responsible. Promote and reward desired behaviors successes and psychological and financial. The employees or team members know the goals; know how to evaluate the reasons to do their job. They have an expectation of what to expect or do. "The leader is expected to perform many tasks. But the main job is to deliver results" (Goleman, 2000).

It is recommended that as forms of self-evaluation, to directly detect the points at which you can improve on how they are heading the organization, make a small analysis on XY organizational leadership.

Theory X is "the traditional view of direction and control". Theory Y is a "means of integrating individual and organizational objectives" (Duncan, 2000).

A leader today must learn to delegate, not playing favorites, and that employees are asking for this new type of management and to compete globally paternalistic leadership not work well. The leader must be handled through the complete qualities of emotional intelligence. The self-administered, self-confidence, sociability, and trust and empathy toward others. (Goleman, 1998)

Also there are different styles of leadership, by which to choose will be a certain impact on the organization and ...
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