Assignment 9

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Assignment 9

Assignment 9

Scenario 1

The nurse here s not experienced and will encounter the environmental hazards that influenced the patient condition. The triggering factors were assessed under the hospital OHS policies.

Part A

The client related risk factors involve the assessment of following factors that may influence the patient or the worker health. The client can be a worker or a patient. In our scenario A , the patient is a client. The environmental factors that influence its health are assessed under the following factors determination:

Client related Risk Factors

The environment involves the patient surroundings involving the nursing care unit or the hospital that is providing care services to the patient and the near surroundings. The environmental hazard that may influence the patient's physical, mental and the psychological health includes the uneven and slippery floor surfaces that are used by the patient during the occupational therapy and treatments. The narrow work spaces that may suffocate the patient. (Home and Community Care - Work safety, 2012).

Behavioral Concerns at Work Context

The behavioral concerns at the workplace involve the handling difficult attitudes at the workplace that results in the development of stress and depression. This condition will lead to the development of nausea and suffocation in patients. The already present psychological illness in the patient may trigger the worse situation. The behavioral concerns also involve the abuse of drug or alcohol. The vomits may trigger if the patient has eating disorder due to the emotional distress that may results in the behavioral disturbances at the work place. The behavioral concerns also include the self low esteem (Coping with Personality and Behavioral Changes, 2013).

Concern Associated with Patient Handling During Travelling

The patient must assessed by the nurses and on the basis of requirements prepared to travel after the medication, inoculations and the advice receiving after the concerns are addressed. The OHS recommendations related to safe patient travelling must considered related to travelling between the clients home to the healthcare centers in the vehicles that are related to the health organization and must be safe. (Vehicle and Driving Safety, 2003).

Manual Handling

The activity that involves the lifting, pushing, lowering, holding, carrying and pulling something. It is the major injury cause in the community may result in the muscle pull that may induce nausea. The injuries may result from the client movement, the equipment lifting and carrying, space lacking and the repetitive movements through heavy furniture movement. These manual hazards must identify during the initial safety checks through rethinking about the tasks to be performed, work place observation, and equipment review. The risk assessment involves the postures, actions and movements. Work environment maintenance through training (Manual Handling, 2003).

Infections Risk

The infectious disease arte the hazards for the clients and the workers in the community as they can spread vastly and epidemic. The infectious diseases are transmitted to the blood that may develop serious needle stick injuries including the hepatitis A and gastroenteritis through contamination due to faecal contamination (Infection Control, 2003).

Other Hazards

Other hazards involve the ...